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<br />process, which will result in regulation. The regulation is aimed at reducing the amount of <br />nutrient and sediment pollution that enters Falls Lake. Initial findings from fieldwork are <br />showing high levels of tribidity and nitrogen. This is similar to a process going an at Jordan <br />Lake, which is leading to Federal Clean Water Act Total Maximum Daily Load requirements. <br />The difference in Falls Lake is that there is now State law in place that will make the nutrient <br />management strategy at Falls Lake State law as of July 1, 2449. Orange County will receive an <br />allocation, which can limit the amount of runoff and nutrient pollution from all new development, <br />as well as from point sources like wastewater treatment. This will be done in two and a half <br />years, and the State has no plans to do this by the stakeholder process. He is concerned about <br />this and the UNRBA went to the State to ask for a stakeholder process and DENR came up with <br />some of the money fora 13-month stakeholder process. The request was for $51,404 far the <br />stakeholder process. The State funded $15,444 out of $51,440. Orange County's portion <br />would be $3,835. He said that all of the other counties have sent checks and he would like far <br />Orange County to participate in this with funding. He said that this is a good thing for Orange <br />County and Falls Lake. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve the funding request of $3,835. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the Nutrient Trading Program and said that the County <br />Commissioners have several times approached the City of Durham about helping to work in <br />conservation easements in the watersheds, which the County protects far Durham and Orange <br />County, and Mayor Bell mentioned that Durham might be interested in the Nutrient Trading <br />Program. <br />Rod Visser said that staff would bring a budget amendment to the next County <br />Commissioners' regular meeting and identify the funding sources. <br />$. Public Hearings <br />a. Public Hearing and Consideration for Approval: Expanded County Campus <br />Proposal <br />The Board received public input regarding the development of an expanded county <br />campus in downtown Hillsborough; considered approving and authorizing the Chair to sign an <br />Agreement of Intent to purchase the Project as defined in the Agreement of Intent; considered <br />leasing with option to purchase the Auxiliary Project as defined in the Agreement of Intent; and <br />considered exempting the professional design services and construction manager at risk <br />contracts from the qualifications-based selection process as allowed by G.S. 143-64.32; and <br />considered authorizing the Chair to sign the Agreement of Intent. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones made a PowerPoint presentation <br />Orange County <br />Expanded County Campus <br />Public Hearing <br />November Z, 2006 <br />The Need <br />• 2404 Space Study <br />- Inventoried existing departmental space <br />