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study would be integrated with the rural solid waste study. The intent is to be able to present an <br />integrated plan by spring 2007. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to key decisions and asked about the process of locating <br />a landfill that would take the County's waste. Gayle Wilson said that this is all included with the <br />transfer station development process. The typical recommendation would be, as the transfer <br />station is nearing construction, the staff would go out for RFPs and try to determine who would <br />be interested and how much would be charged. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this should be programmed into the decisions because the closer <br />it gets to the landfill being full, the less bargaining power there is. <br />Jan Sassaman said that at the SWAB meeting next week, they would vote on a set of <br />principles and guidelines for selecting a landfill vendor and facilities to receive recyclables. <br />Chair Jacobs said that when the group of people went to Madison, Wisconsin, the major <br />thrust of the discussion was the relationship between the University and the local governments. <br />The people from UNC and the municipalities were struck by how much mare closely the <br />University of Wisconsin in Madison worked with the city and the county. In the discussions, he <br />suggested that one of the best places to improve the relationship was solid waste. He said that <br />he mentioned to the Chancellor that the University still has not appointed anybody to the Solid <br />Waste Advisory Board. He wants to bring the University into the circle where what is best for <br />the community is best for the University and try and find other ways to engage it. <br />a) Landfill Gas Opportunities <br />Gayle Wilson introduced Bob Sallack of Olver, Inc. Bob Sallack is performing the <br />feasibility analysis for landfill gas and he made a PowerPoint presentation. <br />LANDFILL GAS RECOVERY STATUS REPORT <br />Previous Conclusions: <br />- Based upon current electric rates, the sale of electricity alone will not support <br />development of a Eubanks Road LFG recovery project <br />- Cogeneration is required to make an LFG recovery project more attractive <br />o Cogeneration -generation of electric power and recovery of waste heat from <br />electric power generation equipment <br />o Coincident user need for electric power and thermal energy <br />o Thermal energy (heating) <br />Microturbine Technology <br />- Small combustion turbine - 25 kW to 400 kW capacity units <br />- Compact size <br />- Modular -can be brought online quickly <br />- Less maintenance -fewer moving parts <br />- Multi-fuel flexibility -can burn LFG, natural gas, etc. <br />Cogeneration Opportunities <br />- Eubanks Road Project <br />o Solid Waste Operations Center <br />o Animal Shelter <br />o Possible Transfer Station <br />o Auxiliary Site Use <br />o Elementary School <br />Carolina North Project <br />o Multi Building campus Development (8,251,000 GSF} <br />