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<br />Laura Blackmon said that she is looking forward to beginning work here and she is very <br />excited about opportunities and said that the process was thorough and fair. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that it is important to note that Laura Blackmon will be the <br />first woman County Manager in the history of Orange County. He thinks this is significant. <br />The other County Commissioners also welcomed Laura Blackmon. <br />3. Board Comments <br />Commissioner Carey- no comments. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that this past Thursday the Commission for Women and <br />the Department for Human Rights and Relations held the 2006 Women's Agenda Assembly and <br />it was very well attended, with 85 attendees. There were break out sessions and a prioritization <br />of issues that affect women in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that the Housing and Community Development office is <br />preparing advertisements for the remaining $1.4 million in 2001 bond funds for affordable <br />housing. Applications from non-profit agencies are being solicited. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that this past Monday he attended a meeting of the Friends <br />of the Northern Orange Senior Center. He said that he helped the group stuff envelopes and <br />they talked among themselves and the fellowship was interesting. He said that he does not <br />want senior citizens having to raise money. He said that the discussion came up about how <br />The Senior Times is distributed through the Durham Herald. People were asking why it was not <br />distributed through the News of Orange or other venues. He was amazed to find out how many <br />seniors do not know that there is a senior center in Hillsborough. He said that the Board had an <br />issue with this several months ago when the seniors were being asked to help pay for the <br />printing and the mailing of The Senior Times. The Manager was asked to put together a task <br />force to look at all County publications and how there could be some consolidation and <br />efficiencies. There were same reports, but the same thing is still being done. He does not want <br />the seniors to be asked to pay for publications and mailings that County government has a <br />responsibility to do. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he was at the Solid Waste Convenience Center this <br />past weekend on NC 57 and there was a dumpster fire because someone dumped hot ashes. <br />He said that there is no running water out there. The workers had to manually empty the <br />dumpster to get to the hot ashes. He suggested at least having a barrel of water or sand to put <br />out possible fires. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the passing of a fine, outstanding North <br />Carolinian who died in Wake County on Saturday -State Representative Bernard Allen. Mr. <br />Allen helped the teachers many years ago to get a teachers' supplement far OCS. He said that <br />this gentleman cared about everybody. <br />Commissioner Gordon commended Donna Coffey for getting a summary related to the <br />capital and debt. This is an excellent summary of background information of capital funding and <br />debt capacity. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the New Hope Park at Blackwood Farms Committee <br />met and there was a lively discussion. There will probably have to be extra meetings. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Transportation Advisory Committee met and Karen <br />Lincoln will prepare summaries. The Transportation Improvement Program for 2007-2013 is on <br />this agenda. The public hearing will be left open for written comments from Orange County. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to six-mile districts for fire districts and said that <br />Jeff Cabe from the Orange Rural Fire Department brought to her attention that the Board of <br />County Commissioners has the authority to designate fire districts and prescribe the <br />boundaries. She said that the current five-mile boundary maximum was extended to six miles <br />effective January 1, 2001 for insurance purposes. She thanked Jeff Cabe for bringing this to <br />