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<br />distribution by the State that is $3.19 per student. Dan Sykes said that this is not required, but it <br />is what the school systems ask for. Based on the income, the school systems received $5.06. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked more clarifying questions that were answered by Dan <br />Sykes. <br />Commissioner Carey said that in 2003-2006!07 the ABC board sales have gone from $9 <br />to $12 million and the profits have gone from $700,000 to $976,000, but the general fund <br />distribution has stayed the same. <br />Dan Sykes said that there has been little left over from the years to do upgrades on their <br />stores. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the warehouse and size that was needed and Dan Sykes said <br />about 12,000 square feet, including office space. <br />Tom Heffner said that the school systems come each year to make a proposal and the <br />CHCCS request is usually higher and the higher amount is given to both school systems. He <br />said that there is a good, close working relationship. He said that within the next six to twelve <br />months, the general fund distributions will be increasing. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis requested that the ABC Board work closely with Economic <br />Development Director Dianne Reid when moving forward on a new warehouse. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that healthcare costs and haw you treat your employees <br />and retirees is a measure of the kind of organization you are. He said that Orange County has <br />always prided itself in taking care of its employees. He said that the County Commissioners <br />went on record several years ago to say that they could live with the general fund stream at the <br />current level as long as the employees were taken care of. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Tom Heffner to thank the other ABC Board members. <br />d. Stillhause Creek Restoration Project <br />The Board received a presentation on the Stillhouse Creek Restoration Project, a joint <br />venture of Orange County, the N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program, and the U.S. Natural <br />Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)/Orange Soil and Water District and provided feedback <br />as desired. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this creek has been transformed behind the Government <br />Services Center. <br />District Conservationist from USDA Brent Bogue said that this project has been a long <br />process. It first came under consideration in early 2001. Some of the main concerns were the <br />erosion problems under Margaret Lane and the foundation of the Government Services Center. <br />Early on it was decided that this needed to be a natural project and to use bio-engineering, <br />which involved using rock and native plants along the streambed. The construction phase is <br />completed and the project will be protected in the perpetual easement, which will be donated by <br />the County and held by the State Ecosystem Enhancement Program. The design work was <br />done through the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the State Division of Soil <br />and Water Conservation. Local staff and the Division of Soil and Water oversaw the <br />construction. He said that the orange construction fence should come down this winter when <br />vegetation begins to die back. They are planning to use this area as an environmental <br />education tool and an outdoor laboratory. There will also be coordination of a Friends of <br />Stillhouse Creek group to monitor the plants and water quality. He thanked the County <br />Commissioners for donating the easement. <br />Chair Jacobs expressed appreciation for the goad work on this project. <br />e. certiticate of Achievement for excellence in Financial Keportinq <br />The Board recognized the staff of the Orange County Finance Department for earning <br />the Government Finance Officers' Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for <br />