Orange County NC Website
a. Proposed: An Ordinance Prohibiting the Display of Wild and Exotic Animals Within the <br /> Unincorporated Areas of Orange County <br /> The Board considered adopting the proposed ordinance prohibiting the display of wild and <br /> exotic animals within the unincorporated areas of Orange County. <br /> This only applies to the unincorporated areas of Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked that these ordinances and amendments be sent to the <br /> municipalities within Orange County for their consideration of adoption. Rosemary Summers assured <br /> the Board that this would be done. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that she is proud of the Health Board and staff for working out the <br /> ordinance. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br /> the Ordinance Prohibiting the Display of Wild and Exotic Animals Within Unincorporated Areas of Orange <br /> County,with the effective date as specified in the ordinance. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Proposed Amendment to An Ordinance Prohibiting the Keeping of Wild Animals <br /> Dangerous to Persons and Property Within Unincorporated Areas of Orange County <br /> The Board considered adopting the proposed amendments to the ordinance prohibiting the <br /> keeping of wild animals dangerous to persons and property within the unincorporated areas of Orange <br /> County. Rosemary Summers reminded the Board that this is an amendment to a 1983 ordinance that <br /> was passed. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br /> the language in the proposed attached Ordinance Prohibiting the Keeping of Wild Animals Dangerous to <br /> Persons and Property Within Orange County as the amended ordinance, effective upon passage. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Chair Halkiotis asked Rosemary Summers to provide information on the feeding of dead <br /> chickens to alligators that was mentioned at a previous meeting. <br /> c. Recommendations from Little River Park Advisory Committee interim Report <br /> The Board considered the interim report of an advisory committee charged with determining <br /> the appropriate uses for the Little River Regional Park and Natural Area. <br /> Land Conservation Manager Rich Shaw said that the advisory committee was formed last fall <br /> by the project partners to evaluate the 391-acre property. This is a partnership with Orange County, <br /> Durham County, Triangle'Land Conservancy, and the Eno River Association. There are 136 acres of the <br /> land in Orange County and 255 acres in Durham County. The County received two state grants for <br /> purchase of the land-$377,000 from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund and$250,000 from the <br /> Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, The Land and Water Conservation Fund has also given$262,000 in <br /> grant funding to the County for park development. The County has one year to use the money for <br /> development of the park. The recommendations of the committee include three categories—allowed <br /> uses, conditional uses, and prohibited uses. The timetable has construction beginning in the spring and <br /> completed by no later than August 2002. He summarized the three recommendations of the Manager. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs reminded the Board that it has been almost two years ago that a <br /> meeting took place in Caldwell regarding the use of this acreage for a C&D landfill,which shows that the <br /> County has moved swiftly. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the award that Orange County received as Co- <br /> Conservation Government of the Year in North Carolina along with Durham County. He said that the <br /> County Commissioners take their role as stewards of the land very seriously. He asked that when the <br /> hAin nrni in-- am format fnr hnmahAe-k riefinn%anri mm in+-:ain hiVinn+hvk+%ria makes --i im +hnt wa --nlir-i+ <br />