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6. Access to Records. The recipient shall provide any duly authorized representative <br /> of DCC&PS, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), <br /> and the Comptroller General at all reasonable times access to and the right to <br /> inspect, copy, monitor, and examine all of the books, papers, records, and other <br /> documents relating to the grant for a period of three years following the <br /> completion of all closeout procedures. <br /> 7. Method of Payment. Payments on requisitions will be made only by electronic funds <br /> transfer. <br /> 8. Fair Housing. For each grant year that a grant is active, a recipient must describe the <br /> actions it will take in the areas of enforcement, education and removal of barriers and <br /> impediments to affirmatively further fair housing. <br /> 9. Equal Employment and Procurement Opportunity. A recipient must describe the actions it <br /> will take annually while the grant is open in the areas of enforcement, education and <br /> removal of barriers and impediments that affirmatively further equal access in employment <br /> and procurement. This includes a description of steps to be taken in the areas of <br /> advertisement, compliance and complaint tracking. <br /> 10. Section 504 and ADA. Recipients must complete the Section 504 Survey and Transition <br /> Plan. This plan will not satisfy all the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, <br /> but it will meet the minimum requirements for the grant assisted project. <br /> Grant Agreement <br /> Crisis Housing Assistance Funds <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br />