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<br />c. Cultural and Archaeological Survey Policy for Orange County Development <br />Pralects <br />The Board considered adopting a new policy requiring Cultural and Archaeological <br />Surveys for all Orange County development projects involving ground disturbance. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested adding that the reports that are derived should be presented to <br />the Board of County Commissioners, and the report will be given an a CD rather than on paper. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve adopting a new policy requiring Cultural and Archaeological Surveys for all Orange <br />County development projects involving ground disturbance, with the amendment as stated by <br />Chair Jacobs above. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Homestead Road Campus Master Plan Approval <br />The Board was to consider approving a conceptual master plan for the Southern Human <br />Services Center property. <br />DEFERRED <br />e. Creation of a Tethering Committee <br />The Board considered creating a Tethering Committee for the purpose of assessing <br />whether and, if so, how the County's animal ordinances should be amended in regard to the <br />tethering of dogs and the appointment of members and provide direction to staff. <br />Commissioner Carey recommended that the Animal Services Advisory Board appoint <br />that committee, but it is also fine if the Board of County Commissioners appoints it. In any <br />event, the recommendations from such a committee will go to the Animal Services Advisory <br />Board for review and recommendation to the County Commissioners. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the appointments would come back to the County <br />Commissioners, and Commissioner Carey agreed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Faushee to <br />approve the Animal Services Advisory Board appointing a Tethering Committee for the purpose <br />of assessing whether and, if so, how the County's animal ordinances should be amended in <br />regard to the tethering of dogs, with the appointments coming back to the County <br />Commissioners. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Appointments <br />{1 j Animal Shelter Design Committee -Charge. Composition and Appointments <br />The Board considered making appointments to the Animal Shelter Design Committee. <br />Clerk to the Board Donna Baker pointed out that Donna Allison is a Durham County <br />resident, but she is on the applicant interest list because the volunteer coordinator at the shelter <br />asked her to apply. She has a call in to the volunteer coordinator about this and has not <br />received a response. She will check on the residency status of Donna Allison. <br />Chair Jacobs pointed out that two of the three Animal Services Advisory Board members <br />are also shelter volunteers, and there are slots for shelter volunteers, sa all three of them could <br />be put on this committee. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />appoint all interested applicants, with the exception of Donna Allison until the Clerk checks on <br />her residency status. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />