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<br />anything there except an empty field. He is opposed to giving this money to further fund <br />Southern Park construction. He does not think this is good business. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that she sees this as an equity issue because two fields <br />have been completed in southern Orange with seven planned, and one in northern Orange with <br />only two others planned. <br />Commissioner Carey agreed with Commissioner Halkiotis and Commissioner Foushee <br />and he thinks the Board should make decisions about priorities and not deter from their original <br />plan for West Ten. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Twin Creeks Park and asked how many <br />fields would be in this park. Lori Taft answered that there are four fields in the master plan and <br />phase one would include two fields. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that southern Orange has a total of seven fields. Central <br />and northern Orange has a total of four, if the two at West Ten are built. If there are four mare <br />fields built at West Ten that would be eight for central and northern Orange. She questioned <br />the equity issue. Her understanding is that if Chapel Hill does not get more money, then it will <br />only be able to build one soccer facility at Southern Community Park. She thinks that the <br />County should fund two soccer fields at West Ten and make them complete. Whatever is <br />decided, she thinks that it should be put out for public comment before committing to the capital <br />plan. She thinks that two fields done right is not shabby and it is equitable. <br />Chair Jacobs said that when the County bought the Adams Tract, Carrboro paid half, <br />and when the Cybrary was done, Carrbaro also paid half. The Board has made a policy that if <br />parks are going to be done in the future in municipal jurisdictions, that it will be done as <br />partners. Orange County has paid $2.8 million toward this project in Chapel Hill. The Mayor <br />has twice written to the Board asking the County Commissioners to keep the costs down. He <br />suggested that, since Chapel Hill has not raised taxes, that the Board ask Chapel Hill to look for <br />the additional $770,000 it is asking from the County Commissioners. He agrees with <br />Commissioner Carey about trying to find a way to do West Ten in a cost effective manner. He <br />sees the two projects as separate projects, but in terms of equity, the funding has not been <br />equitable. Southern Park has never been portrayed as a County park, but as a City park. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Lori Taft what the $733,000 does for the two fields at <br />West Ten. Lori Taft said that it does not include lights, but does include irrigation and <br />restrooms. <br />Chair Jacobs said that everyone seems to agree that at least two fields should be done, <br />and he and Commissioner Carey would like to see if the whole project could be done and ask <br />staff to come back with how to fund it in a reasonable timeframe. <br />A motion was made by Chair Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to ask staff <br />to came back with information on funding the entire project at West Ten Soccer Complex in a <br />reasonable timeframe, with additional information on how it would fit into the debt capacity and <br />borrowing capacity. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Chapel Hill request and said that she <br />understands that it was not trying to eliminate the soccer fields. She said that if more than two <br />fields are going to be built at West Ten, she would like to consider the request from Chapel Hill. <br />She does not agree beyond the two fields. Chair Jacobs said to consider the motion first and <br />then the Board could consider Chapel Hill's request. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Chair Jacobs to refer the <br />request from Chapel Hill back to staff and get a full report from Chapel Hill with specifics, and <br />that staff come back with a recommendation for an appropriate amount. The second was <br />contingent upon urging Chapel Hill to contribute more money to the project. Commissioner <br />Gordon agreed. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />