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<br />- Reconciliation process added to identify and summarize any inconsistencies <br />between and/or among Elements. Any minor inconsistencies that cannot be <br />easily reconciled to the satisfaction of the respective Lead Advisory Board are <br />forwarded to the BOCC with recommendations. <br />Tom Altieri then summarized the remaining attachments as stated in the abstract. He <br />said that the Planning Board and Administration are seeking the Board's approval sa that the <br />process can begin. There is work that must be done early on to develop the plan framework <br />and guidelines. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the adoption of a zoning map in addition to the Land <br />Use Plan Map. Tom Altieri said that this is addressed after the Comprehensive Plan is adopted. <br />The plan will include a future land use map as a guide for future development in the County, to <br />be used as a tool by staff, Planning Board, and the County Commissioners as rezoning <br />requests come forward. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about communication with the Board of County <br />Commissioners. She noted that there is an overall statement about the Board of County <br />Commissioners' role, but she does not see where the Board would get apprised on a regular <br />basis. She suggested that the Board get apprised before 2-f, Phase I of the process (page 5 of <br />the abstract}. Also, in #6, Public Hearing, the BOCC should have input before this, maybe in <br />item 3 or 4. She said that time is of the essence because a lot of time was spent on this issue <br />before. She does not want this to ga on for years. She thinks that if the County Commissioners <br />are kept apprised all the way, there will not be any unnecessary delays. <br />Rod Visser said that the staff concurs with Commissioner Gordon and a timeline will be <br />brought back in October and the Board's input will be folded in. <br />Commissioner Gordan made reference to attachment 2, page 10 under transportation, <br />and said that the Orange Unified Transportation Board should be a lead advisory board with the <br />Planning Board. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to the revisions and the reconciliation process and <br />he is assuming that the reconciliation process is the responsibility of the Planning Board. He <br />said that this should be clarified. <br />Tom Altieri said that it will not be done exclusively by the Planning Board. VIlhat is <br />proposed in the process is that the element managers and the lead advisory boards will develop <br />recommendations an how reconciliation might be addressed and these are forwarded to the <br />Planning Board. The Planning Board will take the lead in the process, but it will be in <br />coordination with the other advisory boards. <br />Chair Jacobs thanked the Planning Board and the staff and he agreed with <br />Commissioner Gordon and suggested that the Planning Board chair needed to be part of the <br />process so that the Board of County Commissioners can be kept apprised. He expressed <br />objection to the length of the process because it is too long. He suggested bringing in a <br />consultant to speed things up. Commissioner Foushee agreed about moving forward <br />expeditiously. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he does not hear any disagreement with the process or the roles, <br />but he hears some disagreement with the timetable. He asked far a motion to direct the staff to <br />come back with a revised timetable. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />recommend that the process be adopted with the proviso that the timetable should be <br />accelerated, that there should be specific places where the County Commissioners will approve <br />and receive an update, and that the OUT Board will be added as a lead advisory board for <br />transportation along with the Planning Board. <br />UOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />