Orange County NC Website
<br />Grady A. Brown Elementary School - Janice Wereszczak <br />Hidden Voices - not available tonight <br />Barbara Higgins - not available tonight <br />Hillsborough Elementary Schaal PTA - Cathleen Turner <br />Glenwood Elementary School - not available tonight <br />Cornelia Kip Lee - Cornelia Kip Lee <br />NC Arts in Action - Lisa Kang & Shirley Berger <br />NC Writers' Network - Virginia Freedman <br />Orange County Artists Guild - Mary Harley Kruter <br />Orange County Historical Museum - Linda Schmitt <br />PlayMakers Repertory Company - Stacy Payne <br />Adam Sobsey - not available tonight <br />Jill Snyder - Jill Snyder <br />Susan Wells - Susan Wells <br />8. Public Hearings <br />a. Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation [PEMC} Planned Development fPD- <br />OI} and Special Use Permit, Class A <br />The Board held a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding the PEMC request to <br />amend its Planned Development -Office/Institution (PD-OI) zoning district and its Class A <br />Special Use Permit to permit the principal use of a 350-foot replacement tower at its <br />administrative and operations center located at 2500 NC Highway 86 South, Hillsborough. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict introduced this item. This is a 34-acre site that is home <br />to Piedmont Electric and the request is to replace the present tower with a 320-foot tower with a <br />30-foot extension antenna. The process is a two-part process. The first is a planned <br />development rezoning modification, which is a legislative process. The second part is a special <br />use permit, which is aquasi-judicial process. This will include swearing in people that will be <br />providing testimony. These meetings are not usually held at regular County Commissioners' <br />meetings, but since this will serve some public safety purposes, the process will be expedited. <br />The higher amount of the tower would permit for co-location opportunities by other providers. <br />He made reference to page 65 of the abstract and bird migration patterns. The staff certifies <br />that the material has been advertised appropriately in accordance with Article 20, Section 6.3, <br />and notices to property owners that are adjacent and within a radius of the site have been sent <br />out. Over 200 notices have been sent out and there have been approximately five inquiries. <br />There is also technical data supporting this application. The process is for the Chair of the <br />Planning Board to jointly chair this part of the meeting. <br />The remainder of this item was transcribed verbatim. <br />Jay Bryan: Thank you, Mr. Benedict, I appreciate that. I'm Jay Bryan, I'm Chair of the <br />Planning Board, and we have members of the Planning Board sitting here to my left, to your <br />