Orange County NC Website
� 3 <br /> I Releases/refund both clericaE errors illegal tax-GS 1d5-381 BOCC REPORT- REAL/ PERSONAL <br /> fJCTOBER '16, 2012 <br /> ABSTRACT BILLING ORIGITIAE. ADJUSTED FINANGIA� <br /> NAME NUMBER YEAR YALUE VALUE IMPACT REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT <br /> Adamio,Jo L„ 315501 2012 149,30p 4 1,280.99 I.ocated in Alamance Count QI{e al tau <br /> Adamio,Joy L. 815501 2012 149,304 0 1,280.99 Located in Alamance Caunt 1liegal tax <br /> Alonzo,Toni J. 311882 2012 14,854 0 127.45 L�ated in Alamance County Illegal tax) <br /> Arrendanda,Jose 1002197 2012-2409 3,623 0 46.23 Double billed(Illegal taac) <br /> Arrendonda,Jase 10d2197 2012-2010 3,451 0 41.34 Double billed Illega)ta�t <br /> Arrendonda,Jose 1002197 2012-2011 3,287 0 (35.68) Dauble billed(Illegal tax} <br />� Boldin,James 185253 2012 79,777 60,577 235.�7 Assessed in Error,DWMH shauld have been taaced as a Leasehold Clerical errar <br /> Bumette,Caria D. 309447 2012 184,7d0 0 (1,584.73} Located in Alamance Gaunty(tllegal taxy <br /> Cabuan ,Wilmar Cano 316357 2012 181,5Q4 0 1,557.27 Lacated in Alamance Cou�t ille al tax <br /> Galderon,Debbie 312475 2012 14,854 0 127.45 Located in Alamance County(Iliegal ta�c) <br /> Dodson,Geo e Trustee 216089 2012 229,78A 13,608 1,962.88 Biited at full value,shouid be at resent use value Ilie al tax) <br /> Dodson,James Reginald 242012 2011 109,200 106,100 {28.04} PTC appeal sett{ed with taxpa er(lllegal tax} <br /> Qodson,James Reginald 2420�2 2012 109,200 106,�00 28.04 PTC appeal settted with tax ayer Illegal#ax) <br /> DS Waters of Rmerica,Inc.DBA Crystai Springs 240440 2012 12,115 9,758 36.32 Overassessed(Clerical emor) <br /> E.Q.Acquisitians 20�3 980023 2011 33,427 808 (296.88} Double biiled(Illegai tau} <br /> Eva�s,Anthony D. 320055 2412 163,300 0 1,401.11 Lacated i�r Alamance Caunty(illegal tax) <br /> Friend,Charies 987682 2012 112,338 67,1Q0 (604.9Q}Assessed in Ertor;dWMH destroyed by fire in 2011(Cierical error} <br /> G.E,Ca itai Co . 317919 2012 897,653 885,199 191.88 Overassessed Clerical error � <br /> G.E.Ca ital Inforrnatian Tech. 817533 2012 572,978 561,128 182.53}Overassessed Clerical error) <br /> Jensen,Timothy 302909 2012 931 431 81.64 Watercraft located in Alamance County Itiegal tax) <br /> Jolly,Michael 995181 2012-2011 57,2Q0 0 (571.95}Located in Brunswick County Illegal tax) <br /> Jolly,Michael 995181 2012 54,300 0 (545.99 Located in Brunswick Gounty(Rlegal tax) <br /> Madison Partners,LLC. 193251 2012 1,669 0 {28.79) Property sold 1212011 (Iilegal tax) <br /> McGullen,Ashtey D. 315628 2012 165,400 0 1,59Q.73 Located in Alamance County(tllegal tax) <br /> N.M.G.H.Financial Services 1042567 2012 59,307 0 (508.85) Double biiled(Illegal tax} <br /> N.M.G.N.Financiat Services 968860 2012 164,902 151,709 113.20 Qverassessed(Clerical errar <br />, Nan is,Kevin 313205 2012 194,400 0 1,714.95 Located in Alamance County Iile al tax , <br /> Petriila,Tina M. 3Q950� 2012 135,600 0 {1,163.45 Located in Alamance County illegal tax) <br /> Remington,Tana 309548 2012 141,1 QO 0 1,210.64 Located in Afamance County(llle al tax) I <br /> Richards,Shawna L. 316466 2012 15,953 d (136.88} Located in Alamance County(Illegal tau) ' <br /> Sunset Cottages,Inc. 312589 2012 165,100 d 1,416.56 Located in Afamance County(lUegal tax) , <br /> Talley,Lorena L. 5105 2�12 86,722 44,36'1 (581.�1}T�reiief dropped due to clerical error(Clerical error} <br /> Te ,V inia 995056 2412 7,840 4 78A2 Double billed Illegal tax <br /> The ShawGroup,Inc. 979973 2012 g,8g8 0 {44.27}Property not in county 01/d�/12(Clerical error) <br /> Thomas Lione{Jr. 313805 2012 164,100 0 1 579.58 Lor�ated in Alamance Gaun (ile a)tax <br /> 9 ) <br /> Vincent Buiidin Inca orated 129484 2012 2,924 2,916 20.77 Incarrect s�tus&overassessed Cierical Errar <br /> Total 22,417.23 �, <br /> September 13,2012 thru 8eptember 26,2q12 ' <br /> I <br />