Orange County NC Website
<br />Moue Too FastlLack of Defined Program <br />^ Overcrowded animal conditions <br />^ Transfer animals to any group that will take them -desperate to not euthanize but group <br />may be hoarder, we still have an obligation to the animals in our charge to protect them <br />^ Animals that need intervention but there is no money or staff to provide <br />^ Sick animals because the facility and animals are not being managed properly - <br />necessary euthanasia decisions not being made because of fear of criticism <br />^ Drop due to poor public perception, sick animals, putting unsafe animals into the <br />community <br />Communities/Agencies That are Successful <br />^ Ft. Wayne Animal Care and Control <br />^ Denver Dumb Friend League <br />^ Marin Humane Society <br />^ Lollypop Farm Humane Society <br />^ Asheville, NC Community <br />Why are They Successful? <br />^ They do not define themselves as no-kill <br />^ They are honest about what they can and cannot do <br />v They continue to evaluate their programs and are open to new ideas <br />v They talk about the issues with the citizens openly <br />^ They build partnerships in the community that can assist <br />^ They put time into defining their program based on realistic goals that are communicated to <br />staff and community <br />^ They are honest about what animals they can honestly re-home and what animals are not <br />candidates for adoption <br />v They have built facilities that are designed on their program and that will allow them to <br />achieve their goals <br />