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<br />Pat Sprigg said that Carol Woods is working with Emergency Management in developing <br />an emergency preparedness plan. She hopes that this will include those aging in place. She <br />will look at this again. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to the "Bill of Rights" and II. which states, "The <br />Right To An Income In Retirement Which Would Provide An Adequate Standard Of Living. He <br />does not want the County to have to guarantee this. Pat Sprigg said that Commissioner Gordon <br />brought this up also in a meeting and they will fine-tune the language. <br />Commissioner Carey said that several other of the goals need language refinement so <br />that the County is not held responsible for things that it cannot deliver. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the concept of asenior-friendly community. <br />He said that at the last meeting he highlighted that a disabled senior citizen could not lift a bag <br />of trash at the convenience center. He said that the report should encompass issues with <br />seniors accessing solid waste convenience centers. He suggested that the report highlight <br />County building designs and how they can be senior-friendly. He wants to make sure that the <br />senior-friendly community becomes an all-encompassing driving force and that it is looked at <br />from every possible angle. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />accept the update as information and approve the proposed report outline, including the theme <br />statement, the Bill of Rights far Older Persons (with language changes), objective and <br />strategies for 2007-11 to receive public comment. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Animal Sheltering -Operating Practices and Philosophies <br />The Board received information on sheltering philosophies and practices in relation to <br />the design of the County's animal services facility and provided direction and guidance to staff <br />regarding a charge to the Animal Services Facility Design Committee an the operating practice <br />and philosophy of the sheltering component of this project and its potential elements. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this is one step towards educating ourselves and have some <br />more clarity about the future of animal sheltering in Orange County. <br />Animal Services Director Bob Marotta said that they are delighted to be able to present <br />to the Board tonight. He recognized members of the Animal Services Advisory Board. He said <br />that they are in the process of designing a new animal services facility and their purpose has <br />been to get materials so that the Board can properly charge the design committee. He <br />introduced Kate Pullen who was formerly with the Humane Society of the United States and is <br />now with the American Society far the Protection of Cruelty to Animals. She has worked with <br />Orange County before and is a nationally recognized authority on sheltering practices. Bob <br />Marotto explained some of the terminology in the PowerPoint presentation. <br />Kate Pullen said that she is asked to review new shelter designs, but she needs to know <br />what the agencies want to do. She cannot tell whether the design will allow them to do what <br />they want to do until she knows what they want to do. She said that the County needs to be <br />able to work with partnerships in the community. <br />