Minutes 08-21-2012
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 08-21-2012
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/24/2015 11:04:10 AM
Creation date
10/16/2012 3:37:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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2012-442 Co Manager - Lease of the Piedmont Food and Agriculture Facility
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2012
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 4a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5e
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5f
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5g
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5h
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5i
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5j
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5k
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5l
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5m
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 5n
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 6a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 6b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 6c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 6d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 6e
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 6f
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 7a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 7b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 7c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 7d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012 - 7e
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012-11a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012-11b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-21-2012-13 (1)
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2012\Agenda - 08-21-2012 - Regular Mtg.
ORD-2012-029 Fiscal Year 2012-13 Budget Amendment #1
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2012
ORD-2012-030 Ordinance Amending the Unified Development Ordinance - Dimensional and Ratio Standards (UDO/Zoning 2012-11)
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2012
ORD-2012-031 Ordinance Amending the Zoning Atlas - Woods Rezoning
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2012
ORD-2012-032 Zoning Atlas Amendment - Woods Rezoning
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2012
ORD-2012-033 Ordinance Amending the Zoning Atlas - Merritt Rezoning
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2012
ORD-2012-034 (Not Approved) Zoning Atlas Amendment Merritt Rezoning
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2012
ORD-2012-035 Ordinance Amending the Zoning Atlas to apply the Special Overlay Districts to Parcels Associated with the Orange-Alamance County Line Adjustment
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2012
Proclamation in Support of Arts & Economic Prosperity IV in Orange County
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2010-2019\2012
RES-2012-065 Resolution approving Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds for FY 2011-2012
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2012
RES-2012-066 Resolution approving Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds for FY 2012-2013
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2012
RES-2012-067 Resolution approving Property Tax Releases/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2012
RES-2012-068 Resolution approving Applications for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2012
RES-2012-069 Resolution Requesting Transportation Funds to Reimburse the Orange Grove Fire Dept
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2012
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• Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> Commissioner Jacobs requested to remove item 5.m. <br /> • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Foushee, to <br /> approve the remaining items on the consent agenda. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> • Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> 5.m. — Bid Award: Walnut Grove Church Road Solid Waste Convenience Center <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked to remove this item because he felt when they are spending a million <br /> dollars that they at least make note of it in public rather than put it on the Consent Agenda. He also felt it <br /> was a good opportunity for them to use their own cable broadcast to tell the public what they're planning to <br /> do at the Walnut Grove Convenience Center. <br /> Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Director, stated the project consists of total modernization of the site <br /> including paving and putting in compactors for compaction of materials for more efficient hauling when the <br /> landfill closes. They're going to add materials such as plastic film recycling as well as a northern <br /> household hazardous waste collection facility. They will also include textile collection and recycling. Mr. <br /> Wilson added they will expand their salvage shed operation to dimension lumber. He stated the last day <br /> of regular full service will be September 17, 2012. They will close on the 16th, move all of their containers <br /> out on the 18th, and turn everything over to the contractors on the 19th. The interim site will open <br /> September 21 St adjacent to Walnut Grove for bag garbage only and the interim recycling site at Cedar <br /> Grove Park will remain open the entire period of construction. Mr. Wilson believes the public will be <br /> pleased with what is planned. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs stated as someone who has worked on solid waste and recycling since he <br /> got on the Board, it's exciting they're going to start dealing with some of those materials that have been <br /> sliding by in the waste stream that could be recycled. Also, as someone who uses the northern Orange <br /> site, he said it would be nice to have a place to bring hazardous materials other than Eubanks Road. Mr. <br /> Wilson added that residential food waste and residential cooking oil would be collected there as well. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz noted the site will be bigger and the traffic flow much improved with the <br /> expansion. Mr. Wilson agreed and said they had made every attempt to make the traffic flow run more <br /> smoothly and more safely. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger, to approve <br /> awarding the general construction bid and approve a construction agreement to W.L. Bishop Construction <br /> of Hillsborough, NC in the amount of$877,092 for the construction of the Walnut Grove Church Road <br /> Solid Waste Convenience Center; awarding the compaction equipment bid and approve a purchase <br /> agreement with Baker Waste of Asheville, NC in the amount of$160,367; authorizing the Chair to sign the <br /> general construction agreement on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, subject to final review <br /> by the County Attorney; and authorizing the Manager to execute individual change orders within the limit of <br /> his authority ($250,000) up to the extent of the project budget; authorize the Chair to sign the general <br /> construction agreement on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, subject to final review by the <br /> County Attorney; and authorize the Manager to execute individual change orders within the limit of the <br /> Manager's authority ($250,000) up to the extent of the project budget. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> With approval of the Consent Agenda, the following items were approved and/or adopted: <br /> a. Minutes <br />
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