Orange County NC Website
Chair Pelissier also attended the NCACC conference and attended a joint meeting of the <br /> environmental steering committee and agricultural. They had a presentation on water and resilient <br /> communities and she learned that western states have a lot of water laws; we do not. The presenter <br /> suggested in the future there is going to be a debate on riparian water laws. Another interesting thing <br /> noted in the presentation was that many communities do not charge the actual cost of water but charge a <br /> lot less. This is why there are a lot of infrastructure problems although not the case in this community. <br /> Chair Pelissier said Orange County was selected to present its Master Aging Plan (MAP). They <br /> had Janice Tyler, Director of the Department on Aging as well as Heather Altman, Chair of the Advisory <br /> Board on Aging. Chair Pelissier was a moderator. She said this was an honor that shows Orange County <br /> did a stupendous MAP. She also asked people there how many of them were aware that there was a <br /> master aging plan in their county and most of them were not. This was a consciousness raising and went <br /> along with some of the major sessions where there were discussions of major demographic changes <br /> happening nationwide, one of them being what's called Silver Tsunami. Both she and Commissioner <br /> Foushee went to a session on economic development and the presenter said it's not about quality of life, <br /> it's about quality of place. There were a number of ideas thrown around about changing perspective <br /> about how to look at economic development. <br /> 13. Information Items <br /> • June 19, 2012 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List <br /> 14. Closed Session <br /> 15. Adiournment <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger, to adjourn <br /> the meeting at 9:45 p.m. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Bernadette Pelissier, Chair <br /> Donna Baker, CMC <br /> Clerk to the Board <br />