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Mr. Clifton suggested they put a speed bump if they are going to raise the arm. He is concerned <br /> about waiting until they have a problem as it would involve a pedestrian. Commissioner McKee asked that <br /> they do look at other alternatives as he does not feel they need to have a fee for parking at this time. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed and suggested they have bold signage saying free parking and <br /> possibly telling people to stop at gate. People who are conditioned to think there will be a charge will still <br /> have that impression if the arm is down. He said this is an indirect economic development boost for <br /> downtown Hillsborough and feels they need to make it as clear as possible that someone can get in and <br /> out at no charge. Mr. Clifton confirmed that all the pay machines were gone so no one could pay if they <br /> wanted to. He agreed they would put up more signage about the parking being free. <br /> Chair Pelissier agreed more signage was necessary as safety is of the utmost importance. The <br /> fact the deck is being used more indicates a fair amount of the public does understand that it is free. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger stated she liked the free parking and the arm. She feels when the arm <br /> is down, pedestrians feel safer that no one is coming through to hit them. She suggested they write free <br /> parking on the arm. She also asked what was in place for monitoring the deck and referred to the notation <br /> that someone would tow cars that were left overnight. She asked if the $22,000 per year quoted included <br /> someone walking through and checking that type of thing in the deck. Mr. Clifton replied that their Staff <br /> periodically maintains the deck now although it used to be contracted out. He said they may want to <br /> consider security cameras in the future. <br /> Commissioner Gordon agreed they should have the arm but with signage explaining the parking is <br /> free. With regard to the fee structure, she understands going with the guidelines they have for now. The <br /> Manager reiterated to her, however, that any fee structure change would require a comprehensive look at <br /> all the parking provided by the County in downtown Hillsborough. She believes they should do that <br /> because on heavy court days there are prime parking spots near the courthouse and there is some <br /> parking that could be charged for whether it be in the deck or some other prime parking spaces. <br /> Commissioner Gordon added they don't have good evidence for changing the policies they have now, but <br /> they should look at a fee structure perhaps in the context of the next budget to see if it makes sense to <br /> charge for prime parking areas. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said there had been some discussion about improving the sidewalks at the <br /> Weaver Street crossing and to improve access to the courthouse from the parking deck. He feels they <br /> should not make any changes to the parking until that is completed. <br /> Chair Pelissier said she did not want to charge fees right now. She does not believe Hillsborough <br /> is of the size or ready for that. She believes some of the pressures they had by the courthouse was <br /> because there was a fee in the parking deck and people were avoiding it. Now that it's free, they need to <br /> wait and see. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to know how much the parking deck is actually being <br /> used. Long term, there will be more and more parking, but if it's half used, for example, they may want to <br /> consider closing off the upper deck after the Staff leaves for community events or some other use besides <br /> empty parking spaces after 5:00. The art community may want to use it for events. He suggested some <br /> type of usage flow study as to what's going on in the deck and then revisit that. <br /> Chair Pelissier said she did not hear a majority of Board member saying they wanted to look at a <br /> fee structure at this point so they directed the Manager not to look at fees for the time being. <br /> e. Interlocal Aqreement with Town of Chapel Hill in Support of Business Incubator <br /> Steve Brantley, with Orange County Economic Development, said his office had prepared the <br /> abstract summary regarding the interlocal agreement with the Town of Chapel Hill in support of a business <br /> incubator. The draft agreement provided to the Board advances Orange County's effort over the past year <br /> to establish a long desired innovation center in the community and serve entrepreneurial start up <br /> businesses. The goal is to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit locally and provide for an attractive and <br /> suitable environment in which to retain promising home grown firms for the long term. <br /> Mr. Brantley said Orange County and the Economic Development office contracted in 2011 with the <br /> University of North Carolina to conduct a commercial real estate study of the county with a specific focus <br /> on ways to support the growth and retention of entrepreneurial companies. This consultant study <br />