Orange County NC Website
4 <br />• Why we Need Public Involvement — <br />Show and discuss briefly what we have now (facilities and programs). Explain the goal of this <br />public input — to help us to learn and consider the views of all interested citizens. What should <br />our parks facilities and recreation programs look like? Do we need more /less? Do we need to <br />do things differently? How should we work with and coordinate with the municipalities? <br />Schools? Non - profit or private recreation providers? How can new ideas be implemented and <br />paid for? We want to know what you (members of the public) think about our future. <br />• Conduct Small Group Discussions — <br />Divide into groups, with two staff /PRC - facilitator and note taker. Either assign themes to each <br />group (1- low- impact parks, nature areas, trails; 2- active or sports parks; 3- recreation <br />programs) or have mirror -image groups on key target questions. Review some survey questions <br />related to the theme. <br />• Small Group Reports — Facilitator takes notes. He or a group member reports back to the whole <br />group on main points of their discussion. <br />• Open to reflection on other group ideas, general questions, other ideas and comments. <br />• Thanks and Adjourn <br />Tools and Illustrations /Materials: <br />• Map of existing Parks with facilities listing - orient <br />• 1988 Parks Map —explain and compare <br />• Master Plans for existing Parks with photos <br />• Master Plans for Future Parks <br />• Program Guides <br />• Parks Locator Map running on Laptop with Screen and Projector <br />• Copy of survey <br />• Refreshments <br />• Notepads and large pads /pens for group reports <br />Publicize Meeting Through: <br />• Newspaper (PSA, ad if necessary) <br />• Websites (OC, Chapelboro, News of Orange, other) <br />• Social Media (Facebook, Twitter) <br />• PSA on WCHL. Orange County TWC channel <br />• Emails on Recreation list serve, others? <br />• Flyers to Civic Groups, churches, etc. <br />• Mailing to previous Master Plan lists <br />Location of Meetings: <br />• North and South — or North, South and Central? <br />