Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Orange County Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2030 <br />Public Outreach and Input Process <br />Overall <br />Goals / Global Strategies: <br />1. Strive to make sure that as many County residents as possible are aware of the Master Plan <br />project, and that they have opportunities to provide input. <br />2. Ensure that input is multi- faceted, utilizing traditional and electronic (including social media) <br />methods, and that the opportunities for interaction occur at different stages of the project <br />(from early initial idea stages to review of draft plan). <br />3. Try to reach all segments of the community, especially youth, minorities, disabled, and other <br />under - represented groups. <br />4. Strive for transparency in the process of creating the plan, using web updates, wiki pages and <br />blogs to share information. <br />Outreach Measures: <br />1. Community Needs Assessment (4,200 surveys mailed, return postage paid) <br />2. Youth Survey (summer camps, counselors, school classes) <br />3. Non - scientific electronic survey (Survey Monkey) <br />4. Focus Groups <br />5. Public Input Sessions <br />6. Regular emails, website updates, Facebook and Twitter postings, wiki pages and possibly blogs. <br />7. Public hearing (spring 2013) <br />Evaluation Methodology: TBD <br />Public Input Session #1 (November 12 -19, 2012) <br />• Two or three meetings (Option 1- northern Orange and southern Orange; or <br />Option 2 - northern Orange, central Orange /Hillsborough /Mebane, and southern <br />Orange /Chapel Hill and Carrboro) <br />• Identical meeting formats, all within same week or so <br />• Sufficient locations — ensure room is adequate <br />Purpose: <br />• To educate and explain the purpose and rationale of the Master Plan <br />• To present a synopsis of planned activities and ways citizens can be involved <br />• To create a master list of interested residents for future meetings and subsequent parks and <br />recreation issues (email master list) <br />Meeting Overview: <br />• Welcome and Overview of This Session — Who we are and what we are doing? <br />Why we do master plans, what they are used for? Show the old plan, and show the new survey. <br />Explanation of the process and timetable for the new plan. <br />