Orange County NC Website
1111•I. •,0"I <br />• A Staff Resources Group, with representatives from several other County <br />departments which work in areas related to the topics in the master plan, <br />or have subject matter expertise or advice for the effort. <br />Additionally, an intern from the UNC Masters of Public Administration program <br />developed and implemented a Youth Survey this summer to serve as a parallel <br />feedback mechanism from a group that comprises much of the program clientele <br />for Orange County recreation activities. <br />The creation of the Community Needs Assessment has been the most <br />substantial area of work to date, although other work has been done in writing <br />background sections of the plan and envisioning community outreach. The <br />Needs Assessment was carefully crafted over three months to ensure scientific <br />validity and as much simplicity as possible. Based on the County's population <br />and other factors (including expected return rates), a random sample size of <br />4,200 households was selected to receive the mailed (postage -paid return) <br />survey — which went out to residents on September 27. The survey is expected <br />to take 15 minutes to complete. A reminder postcard was just sent to all <br />recipients asking them to fill out and return the confidential survey, if not already <br />completed. The collation, tabulation and evaluation of the surveys will shortly <br />begin by the consultants, with preliminary results in December and a final report <br />with survey results in January. <br />The other major new initiative is planning for the first round of public input <br />sessions. The approach for these sessions has been developed by the Parks <br />and Recreation Council and staff and is attached. The first round of sessions is <br />slated for mid - November, with three meetings planned for the northern, central <br />and southern parts of the county. The planned agenda for these meetings is also <br />shown in the attachment. This is the first of three planned rounds of public input <br />sessions. Other mechanisms for public feedback have been or also will be <br />created, including focus groups, non - scientific surveys, and social media efforts. <br />Staff will keep the Board and the public informed of activities through <br />informational items and other means between now and January, when survey <br />results and the initial draft of a Plan will be available. <br />Please let me know if I may provide any additional information. <br />Copies: Michael Talbert, Assistant County Manager <br />Parks and Recreation Council <br />Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks & Recreation <br />PO Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Phone: (919) 245 -2510 <br />Fax: (919) 644 -3351 <br />