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different phases. He sees it as a natural result of a profile. He said that if the Board <br />does not want them to do this with the projections, then they can hold back. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that if they da projections, that they review some of the <br />other projections upon which they base planning and see haw accurate they were and <br />see haw they track with what actually happened. <br />Chair Jacobs said that it is appropriate for the Planning Board to point out <br />inconsistencies from the advisory boards and to present the guidelines to the County <br />Commissioners. Regarding the timetable, he suggested someone from the Manager's <br />Office to attend the next meeting. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the inconsistencies and said that the <br />Planning Board should highlight and synthesize them and make a recommendation to <br />the County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she likes the County profile. Regarding haw to <br />get the boards and commissions to work together, the Planning Board should provide <br />the framework and a copy of the comprehensive plan. She suggested having a liaison <br />go to the advisory board meetings only as needed, thereby cutting the task down to a <br />manageable form. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they will try and schedule this far the Board of County <br />Commissioners' September 19th meeting. <br />3. Churton Street Corridor Strategic Plan <br />Transportation Planner Karen Lincoln said that she and Hillsborough Planning <br />Director Margaret Hauth have worked on this plan. She said that there was a lot of <br />public support for this. <br />Margaret Hauth said that the Board received an executive summary and the <br />strategic plan in the packet, and this is a project of the Hillsborough's Tourism Board, <br />which consists of citizens appointed by the Town to spend the 1 °!o extra meal tax in <br />Hillsborough. This first started with the Downtown Improvement Plan and after that, the <br />corridor was expanded to run the whole 4.5 miles from I-40 to NC 57186. They have <br />been working for about 18 months. The citizens group was comprised of volunteers <br />from the Town advisory boards, Town and County staff, and property owners. There <br />were survey questionnaires filled out by citizens on the Last Fridays events and there <br />was great participation. The plan focused an three areas -transportation, signage, and <br />corridor revitalization. <br />The transportation aspect received the most input with some recommendations <br />of some roundabouts, access management, bike and pedestrian improvements, and <br />some of the widening projects that are already coming through the CIP. <br />Regarding signage, there was same interest in the need for some way-finding <br />signage so that people coming from the north would know that there is a lot more to see <br />in Hillsborough. Also, the Tourism Board, with the help of the Visitor's Center, is doing a <br />community branding and looking at how they brand and market Hillsborough. <br />The revitalization group is moving toward more mixed-use purposes sa that <br />people do not have to drive all the way across town. <br />Some of the new ideas that have came out since this document was written are <br />recommendations that all of the intersections be studied by a traffic engineer to make <br />sure that they are safe. She said that the Tawn is very encouraged with the interest that <br />American Asset Corporation has expressed in the corridor. <br />Chair Jacobs recognized Hillsborough Town Commissioner Mike Gering. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about where discussions stand with possible <br />relocation of power lines throughout Churton Street. Margaret Hauth said that their new <br />