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funds on some future funds, then funds could be captured for future projects. The <br />assessment project captures money that you are in the process of spending or that you <br />have spent. Regarding financing, the County would have to set up the same financing <br />for everyone in the project. The same assessment basis would have to be used for <br />every property owner, and the financing has to be available to everybody. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he is concerned about the deferral for people on <br />limited incomes and if they could not sell their properly within ten years. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 5, the next to the last paragraph, and <br />the March 1, 2004 Utility Service Agreement between Orange County and The City of <br />Mebane. She read the quote, "Connected properties may be charged normal hookup or <br />tapping fees, and connection or impact fees but will not be charged any assessment or <br />fees in lieu of assessment designed or intended to recoup construction <br />costs.....Clarification on this point should be a part of any decision the Board makes." <br />She said that she would like this clarification. <br />Geof Gledhill said that clarification referred to in this paragraph refers to the County <br />and Mebane and the context speaks only to Mebane. There needs to be clarification <br />before an assessment is done. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the scenario where the County could recover 50- <br />70% of the cost. Paul Thames said that the cast of the project breaks down into three <br />major parts -water line, pump station and force main, and the gravity sewer system <br />along Buckharn Road. Regarding cost, $1.5 million is the total cost - $700,000 of that is <br />in the water line, $700,000 is in the pump station and force main, and $100,000 is in the <br />gravity sewer line. He said that an entity could recover 100°~ of the cost for the water <br />line because everybody that fronts on it can be paid for in an assessment. The County <br />can essentially recover 100% of the gravity sewer line because everybody that fronts an <br />it can get sewer from it. This is approximately $800,000 of the $1.5 million cost, which is <br />roughly 50°,6. If the Board makes a decision to go forward with this project and acquire <br />easements internally through the Economic Development District, then all of these <br />properties would benefit and a portion of these costs could be recovered also. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked how many people there would be that could not pay <br />and Paul Thames said that he would guess that there are about 10 property owners out <br />of 30 that would fall into this category. Most of these tracts would be one acre and <br />under. There are very large tracts of land involved. <br />Chair Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Gordon about Mebane and to pursue this <br />issue so that it is consistent with our agreement with Mebane, and to have clarification <br />for all parties involved. He said to keep in mind that this is an economic development <br />district. He said that they just appointed the new Efland-Mebane Small Area task force <br />and the group identified that they need to look at the people living along Buckhorn Road, <br />the People for Progress, who do not want to be zoned EDD, and work on a category that <br />would be flexible so that they do not have to be included as part of an EDD. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if the County could determine when people pay these <br />assessments and Paul Thames said that once an assessment project is set up, there is <br />ten years to recoup the monies, then the Board has the authority to say when the clock <br />starts. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he called Ed Kerwin of OWASA today to see if they would <br />help Orange County with this. He said that, if it is okay with staff and the Board, <br />OWASA will provide what the County may need and help craft an assessment policy. <br />OWASA could also help with the Efland Sewer Rate Structure. He urged the Board and <br />staff to use OWASA as a resource. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to have more information to address <br />the concerns before committing to this policy. She needs clarification about the Mebane <br />