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5 <br /> 1 Statements and comments were made over concerns about this development causing taxes for <br /> 2 existing residents to rise as property values would improve. There were concerns over off-site <br /> 3 related traffic impacts that could be generated by the project, specifically to Alexander Drive, Mt. <br /> 4 Sinai, and NC 86. There was a concern over the protection of the existing stream in the <br /> 5 southwest corner of the property. It was suggested by some of the residents in attendance that <br /> 6 the applicant provide a plan to have a density of one dwelling unit for every five acres as well. <br /> 7 Staff's recommendation is articulated on page 10 of your abstract: <br /> 8 1) Receive the SUP application, <br /> 9 2) Conduct the Public Hearing and accept public, Planning Board, and BOCC sworn <br /> 10 testimony on the application, <br /> 11 3) Refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be <br /> 12 returned to the Board of County Commissioners in time for the November 20, 2012 <br /> 13 BOCC regular meeting, and <br /> 14 4) Adjourn the public hearing until November 20, 2012 in order to receive the Planning <br /> 15 Board's recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Unless there are any specific questions of ine at this time, I'd like to turn it over to the applicant <br /> 18 and allow them to provide additional detail on this project. There are a few residents signed up <br /> 19 to speak. <br /> 20 Larry Wright: Do the Commissioners have any questions of Mr. Harvey? Members of the <br /> 21 Planning Board? <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Chad Abbott: I'm Chad Abbott, with Summit Consulting. I have been duly sworn. I'm here on <br /> 24 behalf of Weekley Homes. Mr. Jeff Akin and his staff are here to answer any questions related <br /> 25 to the details of how the subdivision will be built, the geothermal comments, as well as the <br /> 26 individual septic comments. I am here to answer any technical questions you may have related <br /> 27 to the 26-lot subdivision proposed. <br /> 28 Commissioner Hemminger: Concerning the general well situation, the neighbors of this <br /> 29 property have identified concerns over their wells going dry, do you know how deep their wells <br /> 30 are and how deep this one is supposed to be? <br /> 31 Chad Abbott: I do not think a survey has been conducted on the adjacent wells. <br /> 32 Diana Walstad: Mine is 250 feet. <br /> 33 Commissioner Hemminger: How deep is this one supposed to be? <br /> 34 Chad Abbott: The exact depth, you would have to run it until it hit the water that would meet <br /> 35 the demands of the subdivision. Individual wells would be allowed and would be in compliance <br /> 36 with any other standards for a subdivision. That is an option they have. <br /> 37 Commissioner Hemminger: For the four lots that have septic that runs all the way underneath <br /> 38 all the other lots, that's a long run, how does that technically work? It's pretty far away. <br /> 39 Chad Abbott: The technical design of that has not been done either way. If it cannot be a <br /> 40 gravity feed, there will be a pump to disperse the waste in that area. <br />