Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 1 Attachment 2, which is a vicinity map created by staff is on page 150. Attachment 3 contains <br /> 2 staff inemorandum from Orange County Solid Waste and Orange County Health Department. <br /> 3 Attachment 4 is a fiscal analysis that we produced outlining the anticipated costs to service the <br /> 4 proposed neighborhood and what monies the County could expect to receive from this project <br /> 5 and if it is developed. Attachment 5 is notes of the neighborhood information meeting, which we <br /> 6 are going to discuss in the general abstract. Attachment 6 is the Finding of No Significant <br /> 7 Environmental Impact statement completed after County staff determined the project would not <br /> 8 have any significant impacts on this and surrounding property. Finally we have the notification <br /> 9 certification that we typically provide for these types of projects outlining our compliance with <br /> 10 established notification requirements. <br /> 11 As detailed on pages 4 and 5 of your abstract, the applicant is proposing a conventional <br /> 12 subdivision on a parcel of property located in the Rural Buffer Zoning District. As we articulate <br /> 13 in our abstract, this particular parcel of property is located in the rural portion of the County that <br /> 14 is defined on our Growth Management System Map, and it is located within the Rural Buffer <br /> 15 Rural Residential area as defined and noted within the Joint Land Use Plan that we have with <br /> 16 the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br /> 17 The next slide is a vicinity map with the location of the property as well as a brief overview of <br /> 18 surrounding development. As you will note, on the map that we have provided we have a <br /> 19 mobile home park to the south, the J&J Mobile Home Park. To the east of this property, we <br /> 20 have Triangle Land Conservancy property. This area denoted in green is a conservation <br /> 21 easement. You also have to the north a major subdivision with lots ranging from 2-3 acres in <br /> 22 area. You have to the southwest of this property the Green Valley subdivision with lots ranging <br /> 23 from 40,000 square feet to two acres in size. To the west you have lots essentially one acre in <br /> 24 area. Across the road is the Blackwood Forest subdivision with lots approximately two acres in <br /> 25 area. <br /> 26 The project as we identified in the abstract, the applicant is proposing lots with a minimum of <br /> 27 two acres in area. The overall density for this project is one dwelling unit for every two acres. <br /> 28 The proposed roads for this project will be built to DOT standards, and it's the applicant's desire <br /> 29 to turn the roads over to NCDOT for maintenance at the appropriate time. <br /> 30 According to the site plan lots 1-22 are going to be served by on-site septic systems. The <br /> 31 applicant is proposing that lots 23-26 be served by an off-site septic area. The site plan denotes <br /> 32 that there will be a utility easement transferring the affluent just outside of the NCDOT right-of- <br /> 33 way to the proposed off-site septic area. There will be individual septic sites for each of these <br /> 34 lots and there will not be one giant septic system. The rationale for that is to ensure that all four <br /> 35 lots don't expect problems if the septic system fails. There will be a 30-foot land use buffer <br /> 36 around the perimeter of this project and there will also be a 75-foot land use buffer along Mt <br /> 37 Sinai Road as required by the code. The applicant is proposing at this point in time to service <br /> 38 the project with a community well. This is going to be located on a proposed open space lot. <br /> 39 There is also proposed to be picnic, recreational center, for use by all of the residents. <br />