Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> 1 new telecommunicators. Staff is looking for priorities from the Board as to what would be most <br /> 2 important for the County Commissioners to do first. He will take these priorities back to the <br /> 3 work group. <br /> 4 Commissioner Yuhasz said that the performance of the fire departments as first <br /> 5 responders is a necessity. <br /> 6 Steve Allan said that the fire department study and the space study are to be quick and <br /> 7 he was not charged with analyzing the fire departments. He would like to meet with the fire <br /> 8 departments and talk about medical first responding. <br /> 9 Commissioner Jacobs said that there is nothing in the report about the Emergency <br /> 10 Services work group and Steve Allan said that it will come in the narrative. <br /> 11 Commissioner Jacobs said that part of the document should have an email for the public <br /> 12 to send comments or questions to. He said that he also appreciates the fractile measures. He <br /> 13 said that Orange County does need better resources, but he is appreciative of the Emergency <br /> 14 Services staff that does so much with so little. <br /> 15 Frank Clifton said that, as they have added staff, some of the significant issues with <br /> 16 these workers include the high stress, the high technical training required, and that these <br /> 17 workers are in high demand across local government, all of which can contribute to the high <br /> 18 rate of turnover in Emergency Services. Orange County will need to be competitive in all areas <br /> 19 of the hiring process, especially the pay. <br /> 20 Chair Pelissier said that the Board would like the work group to come back with priorities <br /> 21 and recommendations at the end of the process. <br /> 22 Commissioner McKee said that when comments are received, Michael Talbert should <br /> 23 put it into a memo and distribute to the County Commissioners. <br /> 24 Frank Clifton suggested videotaping the next presentation by Mr. Allan to the public and <br /> 25 placing it on the website. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 3. Report on Paperless Aqendas <br /> 28 Chief Information Officer Todd Jones said that agendas are now being produced using a <br /> 29 paperless process. There is interest in using iPads during the meetings. There are a lot of <br /> 30 hardware and software options. There are also small format laptops available as well. He said <br /> 31 that he would be happy to train anyone on using various devices for this process. <br /> 32 Commissioner Hemminger said that the training was great and helpful. She liked the <br /> 33 iPad better and she annotated tonight and it worked well. She said that the maps are much <br /> 34 clearer on the iPad. <br /> 35 Chair Pelissier said that she did not use paper at all tonight and used the iPad and it <br /> 36 worked well. <br /> 37 Frank Clifton said that there are some limitations with the iPad because the County uses <br /> 38 all Microsoft products. <br /> 39 John Roberts said that there are some things that should not be done with internet <br /> 40 access at a public meeting. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> 43 adjourn the meeting at 10:21 PM. <br /> 44 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Bernadette Pelissier, Chair <br /> 47 <br /> 48 Donna S. Baker, CMC <br /> 49 <br /> 50 <br />