Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 1 Average Response Times: <br /> 2 All rescue squads: 5:53 <br /> 3 Volunteer rescue squads: 7:59 <br /> 4 Career rescue squads: 5:02 <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Response Time <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Average vs. Fractile Response Time Performance Criteria <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Given what has been learned about the need for an eight-minute response to maximize <br /> 11 survivability from cardiac arrest, an average eight-minute response, by definition, means that <br /> 12 one-half, or more, of the service's patients are not reached within that critical time. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Many high-performance emergency ambulance services use a different methodology to <br /> 15 measure response times to ensure service equality to all patients: fractile distribution; in most <br /> 16 instances as suggested by NFPA and others, reported at the 90�"percentile. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 EMS Base Facilities <br /> 19 <br /> 20 ....EMS "staging" locations <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Orange County EMS, like Law Enforcement, is an ongoing and at times almost continuous <br /> 23 service that functions 24 hours a day throughout the entire County. Its services are far from <br /> 24 occurring on a "periodic" or "sporadic" basis. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 This concern (facilities) must be addressed as a long-term issue. And, it must dovetail with the <br /> 27 Ambulance Availability and Response Time issues previously addressed. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Steve Allan said that Orange County does not have any base facilities and the locations <br /> 30 lack a lot. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 EMS Base Facilities <br /> 33 <br /> 34 An EMS facility must include at least, the following type of spaces: <br /> 35 <br /> 36 - Indoor, temperature controlled vehicle bays with exhaust ventilation and recharging <br /> 37 stations <br /> 38 - Secure equipment, materials and medication storage <br /> 39 - Special storage for certain narcotics and refrigerated medical supplies <br /> 40 - Decontamination showers for personnel <br /> 41 - Decontamination/wash areas for equipment <br /> 42 - Space for air drying decontaminated equipment after washing <br /> 43 - Storage accommodations for contaminated clothing, waste, sharps, etc. <br /> 44 - Accommodations for the handling of inedical gases (oxygen) <br /> 45 - Laundry facilities <br /> 46 - Food preparation and dining space <br /> 47 - Common/dayroom space <br /> 48 - Multipurpose storage space <br /> 49 - Staff restrooms <br />