Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 B. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br /> 3 <br /> 4 1. Class A Special Use Permit - To review an application for a Class A Special <br /> 5 Use Permit for a proposed 26 lot single-family residential Major Subdivision <br /> 6 on a 68.51 acre parcel of property off of Mt. Sinai Road (SR 1718). <br /> 7 Michael Harvey: I will remind the Board that you are dealing with a Class A Special Use <br /> 8 Permit, which by definition is a quasi-judicial hearing. If you are speaking either for or against <br /> 9 the application —that includes the applicant and the applicant's engineer and staff—you need to <br /> 10 be sworn. Mr. Chairman, if you will swear in all interested parties in for this hearing. <br /> 11 Larry Wright: All parties approach the bench, and while they're doing so, I'd like to inform <br /> 12 everyone that additional testimony can be accepted in written format to the Planning <br /> 13 Department to be submitted prior to the Planning Board meeting. It will be part of the Planning <br /> 14 Board deliberations, and this will offer the opportunity for the Board of County Commissioners to <br /> 15 have material where they can consider this in their deliberations thereafter. <br /> 16 All interested parties were sworn in at this time. <br /> 17 Michael Harvey: You have a rather lengthy agenda item here this evening, and I'm going to try <br /> 18 to go through it as methodically and as quickly as possible and allow the applicant and citizens <br /> 19 the opportunity to speak. As the Chair has already articulated, we have a major single-family <br /> 20 residential subdivision of 26 lots being proposed on a parcel of property off of Mt. Sinai Road. <br /> 21 We have two additional pieces of information concerning this project, which I'd like to call your <br /> 22 attention to. The first item is a printout of a PowerPoint presentation so that the Board members <br /> 23 can follow along. The second is a salmon-colored piece of paper, which contains <br /> 24 correspondence from Orange County's DEAPR department as well as State review documents. <br /> 25 We also have an email sent by Mr. David Sykes of Orange County Emergency Services on <br /> 26 Thursday, August 16th for your consideration on this item. Unfortunately, this information was <br /> 27 received after we had distributed the packets so we were not able to include it. <br /> 28 Attachment 1 is the application packet, and very briefly, I just want to run down what that entails. <br /> 29 The application packet begins on page 11 with a detailed narrative statement from the applicant <br /> 30 demonstrating compliance from their standpoint with the various provisions of County code and <br /> 31 the Comprehensive Plan with respect to this project. <br /> 32 Page 27 provides pictures of existing structures on the property. Page 28 is the Soil Service <br /> 33 report for this property. Page 60 is a Surface Water ldentification completed by Orange County <br /> 34 Erosion Control with respect to the streams that are located on this property. Page 64 is a <br /> 35 Water Utility Agreement concerning the proposed community well. Page 81 is the adjacent <br /> 36 property owner list. Page 83 contains letters submitted to the applicant from the State <br /> 37 Department of Cultural Resources concerning this project. Page 87 is the Agreement of <br /> 38 Purchase and Sale of this property. Page 89 is the proposed draft Declaration of Covenants, <br /> 39 Conditions, and Restrictions for this property. Page 129 begins a property information data <br /> 40 sheet submitted by the applicant's expert in an attempt to demonstrate compliance with various <br /> 41 provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance, specifically that this project will maintain or <br /> 42 enhance the value of adjacent property. Page 133, you will note there are sample elevations of <br /> 43 the houses proposed for this project. On page 144 you have some additional maps showing <br /> 44 environmental features. <br />