Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> 1 Commissioner Yuhasz asked about the Mental Health Court and how it is funded. <br /> 2 Judge Buckner said that it is funded by the Department of Health and Human Resources. <br /> 3 Commissioner Yuhasz asked if this funding was going to be terminated. Judge Buckner said <br /> 4 that it is such a small problem that the State has indicated that it will continue to sustain it. <br /> 5 Commissioner Hemminger asked Judge Buckner what he was looking for in a new jail. <br /> 6 Judge Buckner said that most of the time they are trying to deal with dockets of <br /> 7 hundreds of cases, so it is critical to the operation of the court to get people into queue. In the <br /> 8 design, there should be the capacity to meet with more people that are incarcerated. <br /> 9 Chair Pelissier asked Judge Buckner to comment on the effort of improving the <br /> 10 homelessness population. <br /> 11 Judge Buckner said that they have been trying to keep up with this population and <br /> 12 coordinate services when these individuals are in court. This has been successful. <br /> 13 Commissioner Jacobs suggested looking at who the County will be building the prison <br /> 14 for and what other resources/programs are there. He asked Judge Buckner what he would like <br /> 15 to see the Board of County Commissioners do. <br /> 16 Judge Buckner said that the State mandates are on the prison population. He said that <br /> 17 it is worth a look. He said that a lot of other people need to weigh in on this conversation. <br /> 18 Commissioner Jacobs said that if the County was proactive, this would be a good time <br /> 19 to bring together stakeholders to look at other alternatives to decrease the prison population. <br /> 20 Chair Pelissier agreed with Commissioner Jacobs. <br /> 21 Sheriff Pendergrass said that daily it is an operation of manipulation to keep the <br /> 22 numbers between 135-140 people each day. He said that he tries to keep the jail population at <br /> 23 a number that is safe to manage. He said that there are over 600 people on probation in <br /> 24 Orange County and at any given time, 5-30 will violate probation and come back to jail without <br /> 25 notice. Many unpredictable factors in running a jail and they also never know at any given time <br /> 26 how many female inmates they will have, which creates a problem too. He said that there has <br /> 27 to be a new jail with a capacity of about 250 inmates. The old jail can be used for <br /> 28 misdemeanors, etc. He said that there are 30-40 people that are continuously brought into jail <br /> 29 off the streets from Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and they are street people. He said that it is like <br /> 30 a revolving door, and there need to be other places for these people besides the jail. <br /> 31 Commissioner McKee said that in the long run it will be imperative to look at a new <br /> 32 facility and he liked the idea of looking at alternative means to treat these homeless people. <br /> 33 Frank Clifton said that on September 11th the Council of State will meet about the <br /> 34 County's request for a long-term lease on property for a future jail site. He said that additional <br /> 35 jail space is needed for female inmates and alternative programs. <br />