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19 <br /> 1 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> 2 seek further clarity, get responses back in writing and come back at the September 18th <br /> 3 meeting, and to use that meeting to provide further direction to the applicant and Planning <br /> 4 Board regarding the Commissioners' preferences on the items that have been identified as <br /> 5 areas of concern and that are addressed in writing by the applicant and by appropriate <br /> 6 agencies; and to adjourn the public hearing until September 18th to allow staff and the applicant <br /> 7 to bring forward the written requests and information as required by this meeting. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Commissioner Yuhasz said that this process and the need to get feedback from the <br /> 10 County Commissioners points to the possibility that they may not want to limit conditional use <br /> 11 applications to the Quarterly Public Hearings. If there is going to be this kind of month-to-month <br /> 12 bringing something back, it might be more appropriate to accept conditional use applications on <br /> 13 a more frequent basis. <br /> 14 Commissioner Gordon said that she objects to that suggested change. <br /> 15 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 16 <br /> 17 A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> 18 target a November 20th decision point and to have a recommendation by the Planning Board. <br /> 19 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 20 3. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Amendment(s): To review <br /> 21 qovernment-initiated amendments to the text of four sections of the UDO in <br /> 22 order to adequatelv address the development of solar arravs within the <br /> 23 county• <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Michael Harvey made reference to page 10 of the agenda packet. Under Section 5.1.2 <br /> 26 of the Ordinance, there are references to uses that are permitted and land use development <br /> 27 standards. He read Subsection J, "electrical substations, switching and metering stations and <br /> 28 associated transmission lines, where incoming voltage does not exceed 100 kilovolts (kv). (See <br /> 29 Section 5.9.2)". He said that Section 5.9.2 is the appropriate section where this type of <br /> 30 development is located. There are three amendments to address the inconsistency. The <br /> 31 proposal is to establish an accessory use process where residential and non-residential land <br /> 32 uses can obtain a zoning compliance permit to allow for the development of a solar unit for utility <br /> 33 needs. This will be approved by staff based on guidelines. If the guidelines are exceeded, the <br /> 34 recommendation is for it to go to a Class B Special Use Permit (Board of Adjustment and <br /> 35 Planning Board). If a public utility is proposed, it will be a Class A Special Use Permit process <br /> 36 (County Commissioners in a Quarterly Public Hearing). This ordinance provides guidance on <br /> 37 permitting processes. He made reference to the yellow sheet, which was a memorandum from <br /> 38 the Commission for the Environment with comments regarding the amendments. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Commissioner Jacobs asked for more detail on the Commission for Environment's <br /> 41 concerns about the permitting process. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Michael Harvey said that one of the concerns is that solar arrays cannot be located in <br /> 44 the front area of a property. Staff is consistent with the current development practice in the <br /> 45 County. If there is a desire to modify existing limitations to allow for more flexibility of the arrays, <br /> 46 there would have to be a separate amendment. <br />