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16 <br /> 1 refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be returned <br /> 2 in time for the November 20, 2012 BOCC regular meeting, and adjourn the public hearing <br /> 3 until November 20, 2012 in order to receive the Planning Board's recommendation and <br /> 4 any submitted written comments. <br /> 5 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6 <br /> 7 2. Zoning Atlas Amendment—To review an application to rezone <br /> 8 approximately 14 acres of a 36 acre parcel of property located at 9925 NC <br /> 9 Highway 57 from Agricultural Residential (AR) to NC Highway 57 Speedway <br /> 10 Area Rural Economic Development Area (REDA-CZ-1) for the purpose of <br /> 11 developing an enclosed mini self-storage facility with accompanying <br /> 12 accessory uses including office space, a retail office selling boxes and <br /> 13 packing supplies, and a truck rental area. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Michael Harvey made reference to the PowerPoint presentation. This is near the go-cart <br /> 16 track on NC 57, which is currently for sale. The Orange County Speedway is also nearby. This <br /> 17 proposed use is consistent with the land uses that are anticipated within the adopted NC 57 <br /> 18 Speedway Area Small Area Plan that was adopted in 2007 by the County Commissioners. This <br /> 19 land use is listed as a permitted use. The applicant is in a position where he needs some <br /> 20 guidance from the County Commissioners before moving forward. The abstract identifies the <br /> 21 concerns related to this project and the staff needs direction from the Board. There will be <br /> 22 approximately 400 individual storage lockers. The applicant is proposing the installation of a <br /> 23 land use buffer. There is also some transportation planning concerns. Staff is asking the Board <br /> 24 to give necessary feedback on this issue. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 STAFF COMMENTS: <br /> 27 - Land use consistent with recent REDA-CZ-1 district amendment <br /> 28 - Approved Small Area Plan envisioned this as an acceptable land use in the area <br /> 29 - Staff is concerned over the lack of well for the site and recommends the applicant <br /> 30 revisit this matter <br /> 31 - Erosion Control has expressed concern over proposed storm water plan <br /> 32 - Transportation planning comments will need to be addressed <br /> 33 - Staff will need direction on the proposed land use buffer modifications <br /> 34 Commissioner Yuhasz informed the Board and the public that he did represent Mr. <br /> 35 Chandler during the time of the development of the NC 57 Small Area Plan and that <br /> 36 representation ended when he became a County Commissioner. He has no interest in this <br /> 37 particular project. <br /> 38 Commissioner Foushee made reference to toilet facilities and that the applicant has <br /> 39 been made aware of this condition and expressed reservations. She asked what needed to be <br /> 40 done so that this does not continue to be a concern. <br />