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14 <br /> 1 Commissioner Jacobs: I have concerns about the remote septic area, and I didn't think <br /> 2 Commissioner Yuhasz actually got an answer to his question. His specific question was did you <br /> 3 consider something different than a pump system having to pump affluent over a great distance, <br /> 4 that question wasn't answered. The answer that was given was based on the legality of the <br /> 5 system and the approval process. That's not the same as saying what Ms. Benson was asking. <br /> 6 The question was whether the remote septic area is the optimal alternative for the people who <br /> 7 live there and the people who live around there. I didn't think that Commissioner Yuhasz got a <br /> 8 direct answer to that question. I will say I know what the concern is with that type system. I <br /> 9 think the concern was trying to have it more proximate to the houses which would be <br /> 10 responsible for maintaining it. <br /> 11 Jeff Akin: That's the maintenance issue with the HOA. We felt like this was a good land use <br /> 12 plan for this particular site. We thought that it was going to be a nice transition area there. <br /> 13 That's not going to be an unsightly area, it's going to be a beautiful mowed meadow. All of the <br /> 14 system is below ground. It's going to make a nice green buffer and a transition to the adjoining <br /> 15 mobile home park. So we thought it was a really good land use. As far as this tract of land and <br /> 16 the testimony about the area in that development, we looked at many properties in this area that <br /> 17 are unsuitable for development. There's a tremendous amount of that area that does not work. <br /> 18 There are tributaries, the New Hope Watershed, and there are a lot of properties that are not <br /> 19 developable. This is really one of the few nice developable tracts. It is mostly not treed. We <br /> 20 designed the entire project to have minimal impact on that land. Obviously, economics require <br /> 21 us to try to put the maximum allowable number of lots in the project, but we try and meet the <br /> 22 code another way. We've put these systems in and there are absolutely no problems with them. <br /> 23 They function well. Pumps are absolutely nothing new, they're part of the large percentage of <br /> 24 septic systems. They function exactly the same. We'd be happy to address any concerns that <br /> 25 come up through the process, but we think this is good land planning and we think we've <br /> 26 optimized the site to preserve the trees, to stay away from the creeks, and to have a nice <br /> 27 looking neighborhood. We'll make adjustments if we need to. <br /> 28 Michael Harvey: We had asked the applicant to provide a sample and they did exactly what <br /> 29 we told them to do. There are a few unresolved issues, unfortunately some of which were <br /> 30 precipitated by the lateness of which the comments came in from other County departments and <br /> 31 other agencies. The Department of Transportation had submitted initial comments. The <br /> 32 applicant will provide written responses as they're required to do. <br /> 33 Commissioner Yuhasz: I just have to make one comment, and since I probably won't have <br /> 34 the opportunity to address this in the future, there is nothing special about a subdivision and I <br /> 35 think it's inappropriate for a subdivision to have to go through the time and the expense of this <br /> 36 kind of special use permit process, whether it's 20 lots, 24 lots, or 30 lots. It's still just a <br /> 37 subdivision. It's still just a body of land to use for development process. I just wanted to raise <br /> 38 my objection to this process. <br /> 39 Commissioner Jacobs: I have two comments that I'd like to direct to staff and the Planning <br /> 40 Board. One is on page 7, just the way in which the material was presented. I would think it <br /> 41 would be more clear to separate out land use buffers from open space in cases like this <br /> 42 because it confuses what is open space. I think you're saying there is specifically designated <br /> 43 open space in the subdivision, then there is space set aside that is required based on our buffer <br /> 44 standards. Is that correct? <br /> 45 Michael Harvey: Yes sir. It should be remembered that there is technically no independent <br /> 46 open space area required for a conventional subdivision, although the applicant is providing <br /> 47 some. <br />