Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> MASTER PLAN OVERVIEW <br /> In an effort to prepare for the public service needs of future residents in the southern portion of Orange <br /> County, the county has developed a long-range Master Plan for the Southern Orange County <br /> Government Service Campus. Located at 2551 Homestead Road in Chapel Hill, the campus site is the <br /> current location for the Robert and Pearl Seymour Center and the Southern Human Services Center. <br /> The campus provides ample opportunities for future development of government services that can <br /> serve citizens in southern Orange County. Multiple facilities can be easily located within one convenient <br /> and cohesively designed campus. The site is served by public transportation, and is located adjacent to <br /> future centers of activity (i.e., Carolina North), creating opportunities for increasing access to public <br /> services via alternative modes of transportation—on foot or by bike. <br /> This Master Plan is a general, long-range site plan that provides guidance for development of <br /> government service facilities over a 25 year planning timeline. The purpose of this Master Plan is to <br /> provide a framework within which future government facilities can be planned, designed, and <br /> constructed. The intent of this Master Plan is to provide a general framework for future development <br /> that is flexible to new planning and design innovations that will arise over the course of campus <br /> development. This Master Plan consists of <br /> (1) a map that identifies areas for future development and areas that should remain undisturbed, <br /> and <br /> (2) a set of design guidelines that will guide future development actions on this site. <br /> Any future changes that occur to either of the two elements of the Master Plan require corresponding <br /> revisions to the other element. <br /> Planning Objectives <br /> The Master Plan was developed under the policy direction of the 2030 Orange County Comprehensive <br /> Plan and the Chapel Hill 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Key planning objectives of the Master Plan include: <br /> • Coordinate locations of development and public services <br /> • Support non-automobile modes of travel <br /> • Protect rural lands, and promote clustered, walkable developments <br /> • Provide efficient and fiscally responsible public facilities <br /> • Protect natural resources and promote sustainable development <br /> • Foster compact communities and hubs of activity <br /> Plan Development <br /> This Master Plan was developed under the supervision of the Southern Orange County Government <br /> Services Campus Master Plan Project Program Team and ultimately adopted on [insert adoption date] <br /> by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. Two public information sessions were provided on <br /> September 4, 2012 at the Seymour Center and the Southern Human Services Center, providing the <br /> public with opportunity to view and respond to draft versions of the Master Plan. The appendices <br /> provided in this document provide background analysis and information used to develop this Master <br /> Plan. <br /> Southern Orange County Government Services Campus I MASTER PLAN Page 1 <br />