Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> on the pedestrian. Building entrances should be oriented to pedestrian plazas and entry courts and <br /> should be open and inviting. <br /> Pedestrian Scale <br /> At building entrances and on streetscape facades, elements that relate buildings to the size of humans <br /> are important. While buildings may be up to 60 feet high, these larger masses can be broken into <br /> smaller visual elements through sensitive use of building materials,window articulation and building <br /> massing. <br /> Building Height/ Roof Form <br /> Building heights and their roof forms can be used to promote an overall sense of cohesiveness and <br /> offers an opportunity to focus attention to certain key buildings or areas. <br /> 1) Building Height: The maximum allowable height for buildings is 60 feet above ground, as <br /> measured from the average grade of the site. The maximum height could reach four <br /> stories. Floors below grade are permitted. The floor levels of new buildings should match <br /> the floor levels of the adjacent existing buildings. Established vertical heights should be <br /> maintained to continue the vertical campus grid and allow upper levels of buildings to be <br /> connected by bridges. <br /> 2) Roof-Mounted Infrastructure Screening: Roof parapets should be used to screen roof- <br /> mounted equipment. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment and vent stack pipes should be <br /> grouped together and screened from all views on campus. Taller equipment should be <br /> enclosed by walls or grills that are in harmony with the design of the building and provide <br /> for the required air circulation needs of the equipment. Satellite dishes and antennas must <br /> be fully concealed if located on a building. Roof drains shall direct water underground and <br /> divert water from structures and paved surfaces to prevent erosion or ponding. <br /> Aesthetics <br /> Future designs should maintain a uniform architectural style within the development area being <br /> proposed. In general,future architectural styles should be compatible with existing architectural styles <br /> and should express an image of governmental facilities. Forms and shapes are to be simple, yet creative <br /> and appealing and should relate to nearby forms. <br /> Southern Orange County Government Services Campus I MASTER PLAN Page 11 <br />