Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> Shading <br /> Passive solar shading is useful for conserving energy, animates buildings and public spaces, and creates <br /> additional design opportunities (e.g., a deep-set window shaded by the building frame or by the addition <br /> of sunscreens), and will be considered as designs for future buildings on the site are developed. <br /> Water Efficiency <br /> Water use reduction and irrigation efficiency measures limit or eliminate the use of potable water for <br /> landscape irrigation. Designs should reduce the volume and slow the flow of storm water runoff <br /> through the landscape with vegetated swales and sequences of check dams and catchments, cisterns <br /> and water collection points in parking lots. Rainwater collection is widely used in existing Orange County <br /> facilities and should be considered for toilet flushing and irrigation. <br /> Landscape <br /> Reduce site disturbance and/or restore damaged areas. Choose landscaping which reduces the heat <br /> island effect and that is native to North Carolina. <br /> Materials <br /> Where possible, use durable, recyclable materials made from recycled content that are locally produced. <br /> Energy Management Plan <br /> The design of future buildings and its systems shall provide energy efficiency of 20 percent above what <br /> is required by ASHRAE Standards. The use of sustainable forms of energy (such as solar,wind, <br /> geothermal and biofuels) shall be utilized where possible. <br /> Any proposed efforts to increase energy efficiency will include investigation of possible participation in <br /> the NC Green Power Program or similar programs. Projects shall be monitored over time to help <br /> evaluate achievement of goals related to energy efficiency, reduction of carbon footprints, and <br /> reduction of single automobile trips <br /> BUILDINGS <br /> Building Flexibili <br /> Flexible building design that accommo ates change is very important and is a proven way to respond to <br /> programmatic needs that evolve over time. Initial building phases should be designed as a first step in a <br /> larger collection of integrated buildings. To accomplish this, consider the following: <br /> 1) Simple Forms: Simple rectilinear forms are preferred because these forms are more easily <br /> adaptable to change than buildings with complicated forms. Individual forms should be <br /> designed to complement one another as well as their surroundings. <br /> 2) Planned Expansion (Additions and Renovations): As site permits, each future building should <br /> allow for growth. <br /> 3) Massing: Buildings shall be set back off all internal streets and driveways in a consistent manner <br /> to produce visual unity. <br /> Building Entry <br /> An Entrance is a primary building design feature and should be well defined and easily recognizable as a <br /> point of entry, regardless of the size of the building. Building entrances provide links between individual <br /> building design and site design and should be well defined. At ground level, building design should focus <br /> Southern Orange County Government Services Campus I MASTER PLAN Page 10 <br />