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address the need by sequestering funding should there be a need to make a match from the <br /> reallocation. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> accept the proposal from the Social Services Board and approve the reallocation of$100,000 <br /> from the Medicaid line item to the childcare subsidy line item in the Social Services Budget. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis commended Nancy Coston for doing a great job. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked how much money this will make in addition to what they have been <br /> spending. Nancy Coston said that there was an appropriation of$50,000 in the Social Services <br /> budget for sponsoring money, and the Board appropriated $30,000 for the employees that have <br /> received subsidies. That would make $180,000 total now. Chair Jacobs said that they have <br /> been moving toward addressing the shortfall. His main concern is that he does not trust the <br /> legislature to continue to relieve the counties of the burden of funding Medicaid. Also, the <br /> Board needs to start looking at, if there is a reduction in the County Medicaid match, the Board's <br /> attitude toward that. There are services being cut that this money could address, but there are <br /> also people whose tax burden is making it hard for them to live here. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. County-Funded Sustainable Design Elements for Community College <br /> Campus Building <br /> The Board considered authorizing the expenditure of funds for sustainable design <br /> elements in the Durham Technical Community College (DTCC), Satellite Campus Building One. <br /> Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that the Board of County <br /> Commissioners looked at sustainable designs and the bids came in on June 29`h. She made <br /> reference to page 2 of the abstract, which includes the alternates for the sustainable design <br /> elements and the costs. She reviewed these. The bids came back higher than the architect <br /> estimates. The actual contract for the base building has already been awarded by Durham <br /> Tech with MLB Construction Company. The sustainable design features can be incorporated <br /> into the existing contract. Alternate #8 was not originally included and involves a 125-vehicle <br /> park and ride lot at $341,000. There is $161,000 currently available for this, so it would require <br /> an additional $180,000. <br /> The Board is being asked to identify the elements it wants to incorporate into the <br /> building. The affordability will be discussed on August 31't. There is a possibility of some grant <br /> funding from the State, and Dr. Phail Wynn, President of DTCC, is on the review committee. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that the aluminum light shelves were a surprise to him <br /> because he never remembered any discussion about this. He read that this was added at the <br /> request of the North Carolina State Construction Office during their contract document review of <br /> the project. He said that this struck him as an unfunded mandate. <br /> Ken Redfoot from Corley Redfoot Zack said that State Construction reviews community <br /> college buildings, and when they reviewed the projects, this was one of their review comments. <br /> To satisfy the review comments, you have to address them in the affirmative. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked what happens if the Board does not approve this and if it <br /> impacts anything and Ken Redfoot said that the State may be annoyed. <br /> Commissioner Foushee asked about the park and ride lot and there is a mention of <br /> reducing the number of spaces. Pam Jones said that these numbers will be forthcoming. <br /> Chair Jacobs would like to see the difference in costs between pavement and gravel. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked how long these bids would be kept alive and it was <br /> answered 90 days from June 29`h <br /> Commissioner Carey asked when they would know about the possible grant funding and <br /> Barbara Baker said that the proposals would be accepted in October. No college will have <br /> access to more than $1 million, and the money would be matched. <br />