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I <br /> The Board received the tax collector's annual settlement on current and delinquent taxes <br /> and considered approving the accounting thereof. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that they wanted to bring this to the public's attention. He said that <br /> Orange County levies taxes equally to every citizen in the County. <br /> John Link said that the Board of County Commissioners has to make the decision to levy <br /> the taxes and the Tax Collector has to collect these taxes. He said that Orange County has the <br /> finest Tax Collector and staff in the state and the total tax collection rate is 98.97%. He publicly <br /> congratulated Jo Roberson and her staff. The process of tax collection is dictated by the <br /> Machinery Act. He asked Jo Roberson to tell what the Machinery Act prescribes for her to do <br /> and what the County Commissioners are supposed to do in response. <br /> Jo Roberson said that she is supposed to report to the Board what her settlement is in <br /> the present year and back year collections. In turn, the Board charges the Collector with the <br /> resolution to collect the taxes, which includes enforced measures. She stressed that they truly <br /> try to administer as fairly and as evenly as humanly possible. They offer a number of <br /> alternatives to the taxpayers. They want to work with people, but they also have a very <br /> stringent set of laws that require that they do certain things at certain times if people do not <br /> respond. She said that the office is always open to people coming in to talk about their <br /> situation. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the County Commissioners appreciate the fact that this office <br /> wants to work with people, and he stressed that they are not trying to drive people out of their <br /> houses or take away their cars or property. <br /> Jo Roberson introduced her staff: Deputy Director of Revenue Linda Strickland- <br /> Jaubert, Deputy Collector Bobbi Underwood, and Deputy Collector Valerie Current. <br /> Jo Roberson pointed out that the Revenue Department could not accomplish the job that <br /> they accomplish if it were not for the outstanding work by the Register of Deeds, the Land <br /> Records Department, and the Assessor's Office. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br /> receive the tax collector's annual settlement on current and delinquent taxes and approve the <br /> accounting thereof. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Public Hearings-NONE <br /> 9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br /> a- for Additional Childcare Subsidy Funding <br /> The Board considered approving a reallocation of$100,000 from anticipated Medicaid <br /> savings to serve families waiting for child-care subsidies. <br /> Social Services Director Nancy Coston said that last year they had a difficult situation <br /> with not enough money for child care subsidies to take anyone off the waiting list. There are <br /> 539 children and 451 families who are on the waiting list. They hope to get some off of the <br /> waiting list as attrition occurs and children go into public schools. They come before the Board <br /> to ask to use $100,000 in one-time funds this year to help reduce the backlog. The funds are <br /> from the Medicaid relief that the General Assembly passed. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked if they were expecting a reallocation later this year as was <br /> received last year. Nancy Coston said that they have heard that reallocations are no longer <br /> received, but last year they prevailed upon the state to bail them out and they did receive <br /> $150,000 last year. The General Assembly also changed the rules that should there be any <br /> funds to reallocate, counties must now provide a match. <br /> Commissioner Gordon supported this request. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that one of the goals of the task force was to increase the <br /> awareness of the County need for providing subsidy for childcare. This is an opportunity to <br />