Orange County NC Website
slated to receive some of the equipment that will improve communications in Orange County <br /> and in surrounding areas with 800 MHz radio systems, etc. <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict described the process for tower applications. Each <br /> year there is a meeting with the tower industry in December or January to find out what is <br /> coming online. The goal is to encourage co-location with different providers. There are then <br /> quarterly public hearings for proposed towers. This particular tower would be on the November <br /> 20`h public hearing. It would be a joint meeting with the Planning Board, be referred back to the <br /> Planning Board in December, and come to the County Commissioners in late January or early <br /> February. He said that the County has rarely expedited special use permits, but there is a <br /> process to shorten the timeframe if the Board so chooses. The request is to have a 350-foot <br /> tower to replace the 220-foot tower that is there. This entails a rezoning and a special use <br /> permit modification. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that in the letter, it says that Jack Ball has expressed an <br /> interest in locating equipment on this tower to improve coverage if some issues with the present <br /> tower can't be resolved. He asked about the "present tower" and which one this is referring to. <br /> EMS Director Jack Ball said that their present tower for paging is located on Eno Mountain and <br /> there are some issues in the southern point of the County that causes them to miss paging <br /> periodically. Piedmont Electric has offered to allow them to extend the paging capability on the <br /> proposed tower to allow them to overcome some of these problems. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that this is a wonderful opportunity if Piedmont is willing. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis verified that Michael Hodson of the North Carolina Highway <br /> Patrol is interested in locating on the tower in Hurdle Mills in order to complete their 800 MHz <br /> project. Piedmont Electric is also willing to work with the highway patrol and Person County. <br /> He commended Piedmont Electric for this public spirit. <br /> Craig Benedict noted that the 250-foot tower would be deconstructed and may be <br /> recycled. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked Craig Benedict why this did not come forward in a more <br /> timely manner and Craig Benedict said that there needs to be a full application to comply with <br /> the ordinance and this has not come forward. If the Board determines to move forward, the full <br /> application package still has to come forward from PEMC addressing all aspects of the <br /> ordinance. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she could vote on this for the public, health, and safety <br /> reasons only but she is concerned that there is a contentious aspect to locating towers. The tall <br /> ones are problematic. She said that this should not be the way to do this process in general. <br /> Commissioner Carey agreed with Commissioner Gordon on the public, health, and <br /> safety issues that would prompt one to expedite the process. He asked someone from PEMC <br /> to speak to the statement that the permit with the Federal Aviation Administration expires on <br /> October 15`h <br /> A Piedmont Electric spokesperson said that it is a complicated process with FAA and <br /> they will have to ask for an extension of the permit. The FAA will want to know when they <br /> anticipate being able to start construction. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked Craig Benedict if any neighbors have expressed concerns. Glen <br /> Bowles, planning staff member, said that PEMC had a consultant to do the balloon test in April <br /> and Orange County received no comments. Letters were sent out to everyone within a 1,000- <br /> foot radius. The balloon stayed up from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on a Monday morning. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that this time might not have been a good time to do this. <br /> She suggested giving more notice to these neighbors in the future and Chair Jacobs agreed. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that with the public service component of these towers, he would <br /> support this. He thinks that this is a sufficient case and a sufficiently extraordinary corporate <br /> citizen. He thinks that the public should be aware of the opportunity to comment. He wants to <br /> make sure that ERCD has an opportunity to look at environmental consequences or other <br />