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<br />adoption of the draft plan and to keep in mind that implementation would follow adoption. They <br />would like the Board to consider forming a focus group to assist staff with implementation action <br />strategies. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to page 65, #4, and the second sentence in `a' should say, <br />"Additionally, permitting limited non-residential growth on the south side of the interstate, west of <br />Mt. Willing Road, and the vicinity of West Ten Road," just to be clear that they are staying on the <br />west side of Mt. Willing. He also had concerns on page 78 about the way in which this is <br />structured. He suggested three steps: trying to reach an agreement with Mebane; the third <br />paragraph should become the second priority, which is, "The County should also be involved in <br />building a community in the planning area because of the changes proposed forever;" and the <br />third step should be, "Should other means of protecting and preserving the integrity of the <br />Efland area fail, a task force should be considered to establish incorporation." He thinks that <br />they should fallow up discussions with Mebane, establish the community group, and if the <br />needs are not met, form another task force. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the focus group should include someone from the Commission <br />for the Environment. <br />Craig Benedict said that, depending on the vote tonight, the next steps would involve <br />action strategies which are possible land use text and map amendments and possible changes <br />to water and sewer boundaries to implement the plan. He said that this is a great plan put <br />together by the community and various advisory boards. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested adopting this and having the Clerk advertise for general <br />appointees over the summer and staff can solicit from the various advisory boards. In the <br />interim, the Planning staff can start to identify the issues for the group to work on. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />adopt the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan in accordance with the attached resolution, solicit <br />appointments for the focus group, and add a Commission for the Environment member to the <br />focus group. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE <br />EFLAND-MEBANE SMALL AREA PLAN <br />WHEREAS, Orange County Board of Commissioners appointed a citizen Task Force in <br />December 2004 to work with Planning Staff in developing a Small Area Plan far the defined <br />Efland-Mebane area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan Task Force met 12 times throughout 2005 and <br />early 2006 to develop the Small Area Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, a Community Meeting to obtain citizen comments regarding the plan was held in <br />March 2006: and <br />WHEREAS, the Draft Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan was heard at the May 2006 Quarterly <br />Public Hearing; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Board has reviewed and commented on the Draft <br />Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby <br />resolves that the Final Draft of the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan be adopted to guide future <br />decisions regarding those issues addressed in the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan. <br />