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<br />forward to develop plans in order to present a Construction Manager at Risk (CM at Risk} <br />proposal after the Board's summer break. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that this is a follow up to the <br />work session last week. She pointed out the three components of the project: 10,000 square <br />feet of new construction built exclusively far the senior center; 5,000 square feet of existing <br />space for exclusive use of the senior center; 4,100 square feet of existing Sportsplex space to <br />be converted for the Adult Day Health Center; and 7,000 square feet for a mezzanine area that <br />would replace the space taken from the Sportsplex operations. <br />The Board asked for clarification on two different areas during the work session -the <br />impact of the development options on the revenue of the Sportsplex and the expenses for the <br />County and the impact of phased construction on development costs. Pam Jones referred to <br />the handout, Central Orange Senior Center Phasing Analysis. In summary, it is estimated <br />waiting three years far the ADHS and the Displacement Sportsplex Space will cost Orange <br />County an additional $1,839,523 in capital cost and $1,538,349 in higher expenses and lost <br />revenue from ADHC rent and Sportsplex operations. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the ADHC and the low cost and Pam Jones said <br />that it is an up fit only and not new construction. <br />Chair Jacobs clarified that the Board is not actually approving this tonight, but <br />authorizing staff to proceed to flesh out the numbers. Pam Janes said that this is almost to the <br />point of a bid award. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that when the staff comes back to talk about funding, she <br />would like to see a complete debt issuance schedule for all County capital projects and all <br />school capital projects. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the plan as cited herein and authorize the staff to proceed with project development <br />such that a CM at Risk proposal may be presented after the summer break. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this is the realization of an idea that came out of the 2001 bond. <br />The Board saw an opportunity to save money on land costs by marrying the two facilities of the <br />senior center and the Sportsplex. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Contract with Coulter Jewell Thames for Engineering and Design Services for <br />Northern Park and Twin Creeks Park (Phase 1) <br />The Board considered authorizing the Chair to execute a contract with Coulter Jewell <br />Thames (CJT) for park pre-construction design and engineering services to secure permits, <br />conduct engineering work, and create construction drawings and specifications for bid <br />documents for Northern Park and Twin Creeks Park {Phase 1} and authorizing the Chair to sign <br />subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />Pam Janes said that this is a continuation of Elementary #10 because it is the same site. <br />They received six proposals and they interviewed four firms. Coulter Jewell Thames was the <br />most qualified firm. She said that the conditional use permit in Carrboro was a big portion of <br />this. They are asking the Board to approve the contract with CJT. <br />Chair Jacobs asked for a timeline and Environment and Resource Conservation Director <br />Dave Stancil said that they do not know the exact timeline and that Northern Park will go <br />through the Orange County site plan process, and Twin Creeks will go through the Town of <br />Carrboro Conditional Use Permit application process. He said that if they get a contract <br />awarded at this time, they will have construction drawings at the end of the calendar year for <br />Northern Park. For Twin Creeks, it will be longer with Carrboro's conditional use process of 12 <br />months. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />authorize the Chair to execute a contract with Coulter Jewell Thames (CJT) for park pre- <br />