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This is less costly than institutionalization and other programs. The VA has done an extensive <br />research project on looking at adult day health centers, and they are finding that people who go <br />there are getting consistent monitoring by the nurse. She is excited about the PACE program <br />coming into this area. <br />Jahn Link said that the ultimate goal is for the non-profit to become financially self- <br />sufficient from revenues paid by people that are able to pay (i.e., Baby Boomers). He said that <br />it would be good to have a projection of when private revenue would be generated. <br />Mr. Speaker said that they have done some projections, but they are certain that there <br />will always be a significant cohort of people that cannot afford to pay. He does not think that <br />there will ever be a time that they will not need funding from the County. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis reiterated that currently there are more senior citizens in Orange <br />County than there are school children and Jerry Passmore said that in 2020 it is estimated that <br />there will be 34,000 senior citizens in Orange County. Commissioner Halkiatis recommended <br />that the Board take this issue up at a work session in August. <br />John Link asked what the non-profit was asking for in this year's budget and Mr. <br />Speaker said that they asked far $70,000, but they can get by with $50,000. This is up from <br />$40,000 last year. Jerry Passmore said that they are required to have a nurse and a Certified <br />Nursing Assistant on site each day. They have had a contract with the School of Nursing, and <br />because this is so expensive, as of tomorrow they are discontinuing the contract to reduce the <br />costs. They are going to replace the contract with retired nurses that will be paid, but do not <br />need benefits. They will be jab-sharing and this will reduce their costs. They will be paid $20 <br />an hour. <br />CULTURE AND RECREATION <br />Chair Jacobs asked about Library Services and other municipal support and Donna <br />Dean-Coffey said that it is just Chapel Hill. <br />Andrea Tullos said that it also includes Mebane. Chair Jacobs asked about <br />Hillsborough's contribution and Andrea Tullos said that it is not reflected because they did not <br />have that information at the time that they created the document. Carrboro does contribute to <br />the Carrboro library $4,000 plus an in-kind for the Carrboro Cybrary and this is reflected. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the caretaker at Little River and if there is a solar water heater <br />and Recreation and Parks Director Lori Taft said that they are using the one that was already in <br />the building. <br />Chair Jacobs said that last year there was a lot of discussion about Special Olympics <br />and funding and he asked why they were recommending funding for this year. Lori Taft said <br />that Chapel Hill was able to fully fund their Special Olympics position and Carrboro and Orange <br />County assists with in-kind services. Their numbers are increasing. <br />Chair Jacobs asked why Orange County is now contributing funds in addition to services <br />in-kind and Lori Taft said that this is part of the fundraising effort. John Link said that there is <br />$5,000 in this budget this year and there was $0 last year. Lori Taft said that there was a grant <br />and it was to serve for additional transportation services for the athletes to travel elsewhere in <br />the state. They are not allowed to charge the athletes for participation. <br />Chair Jacobs just wants to know whether this is continuing funding. The staff will bring <br />this information. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the Whitted Building and when the mobile units are moved off <br />the Orange Enterprises site, what the County is going to do with this property. Public Works <br />Director Wilbert McAdoo said that there is not currently a plan. They promised the Town that <br />