Minutes - 20060615
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20060615
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level. All mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse cases will be <br />settled regardless of whether it is an adult or child and they will not have to give money <br />back to the State. They were encouraged by this. <br />Jahn Link said that this is great news. He asked David Jenny about additional <br />recovery payments to local providers and he said that they have been working closely <br />with OE Enterprises, ARC of Orange, Freedom House, and others. They have been <br />funneling money to local providers to keep everyone in business. He said that next <br />week they should be getting Non-UCR dollars, which is a reimbursement from the State <br />on an expenditure basis rather than on a cumulative services basis. This will be another <br />$1 million. <br />Regarding next year, he made reference to the back page, which is the OPC <br />LME Budget Forecast - FY 2007. He said that this was very conservative. The County <br />monies remained the same from the past few years. Some of the numbers are directly <br />from the State. He read off some of the expenditures. The large numbers are the funds <br />that go back out far services. <br />John Link said that they are trying to get OPC out of the Europa Center and <br />move the staff to the Northside Center. There has been discussion about the desire of <br />OPC to have as little rent as possible. The Board will ultimately decide and they will <br />need to negotiate the present lease at Europa Center. Commissioner Halkiotis asked <br />about the current rent and David Jenny said $340,000. Commissioner Foushee asked <br />what is left on the current lease and it was answered four years. <br />Gwen Harvey said that they want to bring back to the Board a proposal on June <br />27tH to move staff back to Northside Center. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the ABC charge of five cents a bottle and <br />verified with John Link that it has been five cents for many years. <br />David Jenny made reference to the last page, which was preliminary allocation of <br />the counties' funds for next year broken down by county. One of the biggest supporters <br />in Orange County is UNC Hospitals and the crisis services that they provide. They are <br />proposing, that of the $2.2 million total, that they have $600,000 in advance to work off <br />for past services or create new services if needed. <br />John Link asked about the status of the House budget for Medicaid funding and <br />David Jenny said that these are listed under Item 3. <br />John Link asked about the impact on Club Nova and Gwen Harvey said that this <br />is not yet known. She said that both the Senate and House Bills contain over $100 <br />million in refunds for mental health. The most interesting piece is that the trust fund is <br />being reinvested to the tune of $16 million under the Senate version and about $24 <br />million in the House version. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the mental health picture has improved <br />substantially from a month ago when there was so much uncertainty about what the <br />State was going to do. He commended the staff and the current OPC Board members. <br />John Link commended David Jenny and Judy Truitt for their leadership. He said <br />that he is hoping that they have secured most of the positions that were in question and <br />David Jenny said yes. <br />b. Continuation of New County Staff Resources <br />
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