Orange County NC Website
ATTACH MENT I <br />SUMITIAR4 Of J01t;T ECO <br />ORANGE COUNTY & TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />Prepared by Orange County Economic Development <br />October 1, 2012 <br />INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPOR7 FOR BUS114ESS RETENTION <br />Interlocall Agreement to Fund Repair, of the in _Str0_,0j 52wer On_ ; <br />On June 25, 2,012 the North Carolina Department of Commerce responded to a Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) appflcatiDn by awarclnng Carrboro a $171,700 CUB G grant to fond <br />necessary repairs to the Town's failing bairn Street sewer line. As this privately owned sewer line Is <br />falling, it jeopardizes the various downtown businesses and lempployees, that could be impacted iri the <br />event ofashutdown. Earlier in the year, Orange County Economic Deveicipment assisted the Town with <br />the CDBG grant application process,, and the Orange, County Board of County Commissioners authorized <br />a Memorandum of Understanding proposing a 50/50 co-share of the local match requirement. The <br />CDBG grant award is expected to cover 70% of 'the estimated costs of repair to the sewer line, %Ath <br />Carrboro and the County each agreeing to provide one-half of the fundingforthe remaining 30% local <br />match of the estimated costs of repair. <br />The County, shall reimburse the Town, after construction of the sewer line has been completed, and the <br />work has been approved by OWASA, 'The County's share of the estimated costs of repair shall not <br />exceed $40,000 and will be paid out of the quarter cent sales tax proceeds for FY 2,012-13. Carrborais <br />responsiole for the construction of the sewer line including, but not limited to the engineering, bid'ding, <br />permitting, construction supervis,ic n, and for the providing the necessary coninections to the businesses <br />served by the Main Street sewer line. The County agrees to cooperate withthe Town, as requested, to <br />secure the necessary permits and approvals to complete the repairs. <br />MARKETING SUPPORT <br />Markgtint &.Sponsorship —Joint Supp <br />The Orange County Economic Development office has participated in both direct sponsorship, (banners) <br />arid marketing support (Carrboro Citizen Newspaper ad) fortwo recent Carrboro cultural events, as <br />follows- <br />* C�arrboiro Music Festival <br />* CArrboro Fdrri Festival <br />