Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Attachment 1 <br />NI'VNIORANDUM 0FACREEME1'~ ,r BETWEEN ORANGE, COUNTY, NORTtl <br />CAROLINA AND THE TOWN OF CAPda,0110, NORTH CAROLINA <br />For <br />REPAIRS TO THE MA,IN STREET SEWERLINE <br />This Meniorandurn of Agreement ("Agreement") is hereby, made and entered into this the <br />day of . ..... . ............. 20 12, by and between ORANGE COUNTY, bereinafler referred to as <br />("County"), and the TOWN 01"CARRBOIZO, hereinafter referred, to as ("Town"') pursuant to <br />N.C. Gen. Statute .160.A.460 et, se q, 158-7.1 and other applicable laws, <br />WHEREAS, County and Toy )m desire to support local businesses and to further economic <br />developmettt,Aithin Orange County and within the Town, of Carrboro; and <br />WHEREAS, County and Town desire to repair and upgrade the sewerline serving the businesses <br />,located on East Main Street, Carrboro, North Carolina (here inafter referred to as the "Main Street <br />Sewerline"); and <br />WHEIIZE'AS, the Town has received are the Community Development Block Grant awarded by the <br />North Carolina Department of Commerce to fund the repairs to the Main Strwt SeWOrlin.e; and <br />WHEREAS, the parties desire, to cntcr into this Agreement to StIpplenlent the grant and <br />providing additional ending; necessam. for completing the construction and repairs to the Main <br />Street Sewerline-, <br />NOW THEREFORE, the following Agreement is hereby entered into by the County and the <br />Town. <br />l µ Fundin , The North, Carolina Department of Commerce has awarded the Town a <br />- n6l <br />Community Development Block Grant (hereinafter the "Grant") ire, amount One Hundred <br />and Seventy One'l"housandand. Seven 1-1undred Dollars ($171,700) to fund tho repairs to the <br />Main Street Sewertine.1-he Grant is expected to cover 70% of the estimated costs of repair to <br />the Main Street SeWerline, Town, and the County shall each provide erne -Kalf of the funding <br />For the remaining 3 0% of the estimated (x)sts, of repair, County" shall reimburse the Town <br />after construction of the sewerline has been completed and the work has been approved by <br />the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA). County"s share of the estimated costs of <br />repair shall not exceed Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) and shall be Paid, out of the quxter <br />cent sales tax proceeds for FY 20,12-13, <br />2. Construction anal Rqpairs. Town shall be responsible for the construction of the sewerline <br />including but not limited to the engineering, bidding, pen-nitting, construction supervision, <br />and ('or the providingthe necessary connections to the businesses served by the plain Street <br />Sewer] ine., The County agrees to cooperate with the Town, as requested to .secure the <br />necessary permits, and approvals to complete the repairs. All repair's iha.11 be constructed to <br />the applicable state and local engineering standards. <br />