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<br />experienced, in their community, working with the Orange County Health Department on <br />potential water pollution issues, and they are very grateful. But it took many people and there <br />was never a single source to come to for issues. Their group, Carolina Concerned Citizens, has <br />worked with communities statewide over the last four years. In every community there has <br />been the same situation with who to talk with in Orange County. She said that it always comes <br />back to the Health Department. She said that there is a definite need in Orange County for a <br />Water Quality Specialist. She said that they should look at this from a community need <br />standpoint rather than a scientific need. She asked the County Commissioners to consider this <br />position of a Water Quality Specialist. <br />Serena Scott said that she is disabled and a landowner and she asked the County <br />Commissioners to say no to higher taxes. She said that those who are disabled can not afford <br />higher taxes. She said that she enjoys living in northern Orange County and her income is fixed <br />and she does not see how she can pay higher taxes. <br />b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br />(These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br />below.} <br />3. Board Comments <br />Commissioner Gordon said she attended the dedication of the Northern Human Services <br />Center's walking track and many attended that had connections to this site. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Orange Unified Transportation Board met for the <br />first time and Karen Lincoln did a good job on the first meeting. <br />Commissioner Gordon reported that the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group met and <br />discussed various issues. They did find out that Hillsborough and Carrboro approved the <br />composite parks plan. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she was asked to be a panel member in Wake County <br />to talk about school needs and she talked to them about SAPFO and impact fees. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that on May 4th she and Commissioner Foushee brought up <br />the question about tax assistance. Tonight she wants to present a specific proposal for a <br />property tax assistance program. She read a memo describing her proposal, and the memo is <br />incorporated by reference. She proposes to provide some tax assistance to those residents <br />who can least afford to pay their tax bill by implementing a tax assistance program. She asked <br />that staff perform a program feasibility analysis for this type of program. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he commends Commissioner Gordan far this proposal, <br />but his tax relief plan is not to raise taxes at all or to keep them as low as possible. He said that <br />the County Commissioners control the taxes on property and this is the only thing within their <br />control. He is pleased that the people spoke on the taxes and the water resources position <br />because he likes to hear from different views. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis echoed what Commissioner Carey said. He thanked Chair <br />Jacobs for explaining to Mr. Hicks about the water infrastructure and for him to go the Town of <br />Hillsborough to share his concerns. He said that he also does not agree with selling the water <br />and sewer infrastructure to Durham. He said that when they considered watershed restrictions <br />10-12 years ago, there was bloodshed in the auditorium. He said that this Board has a clear <br />record of voting on the side of watershed protection time and time again. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he had asked about the possibility of including County <br />fuel savings data on agenda face sheets and he thinks this is important. He said that he was <br />reviewing the follow-up action sheet and got dismayed when he saw "review passibility". He <br />said that he never said "possibility." He said that it is not that big a deal. The Sheriff has <br />already implemented some procedures that do not compromise public safety, but have already <br />