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<br />Commissioner Foushee supported methodology #1 and she asked how long it would <br />take to complete the study and Rosemary Summers said pretty quickly if they get cooperation of <br />homeowners. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Rosemary Summers to meet with Barry Hicks and talk about the <br />history of these water problems. He agreed to support methodology #1. Regarding the policy, <br />he does not think that the feasibility study to explore public water and sewer extensions is within <br />their purview. He proposed removing this. <br />Rosemary Summers said that often the feasibility study is what is behind the request to <br />the Health Department to study water. This is really what people are asking for and not a health <br />Study. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve methodology #1 for the Governor's Grove community and to send the water <br />parameters policy back to the Board of Health for clarifications. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Purchase of Art Work by Orange County Artists for County Buildings <br />The Board received a report on the results of the recent "Call for Artists: Purchase of <br />Existing Work" art competition. <br />Martha Shannon with the Orange County Arts Commission said that at the Southern <br />Human Services Center, Sarah Craige has almost finished the mural and it will be installed in <br />July. Also, the Central Orange Senior Center piece is almost finished. She said that they <br />established a competition in the Spring, and she introduced Gordan Jameson, an Arts <br />Commission member. <br />Gordon Jameson said that he is at the end of his term on the Arts Commission. He said <br />that the competition generated 50 eligible responses from Orange County artists. The process <br />included paring it down and they ended up with six pieces by five artists. The pieces will be <br />rotated around different buildings and offices. <br />Martha Petty thanked the County Commissioners for purchasing her art. <br />Martha Shannon said that they would like to put these images on the Orange County <br />Intranet site for Orange County employees to look at them to see if they might want to locate <br />any of the pieces at their sites. <br />d. Homestead Road Campus Master Plan Approval <br />The Board was to consider approval of a conceptual master plan for the Southern <br />Human Services Center (SHSC) property and provide direction to staff an next steps. <br />DEFERRED <br />$. Public Hearings-NONE <br />9. Items for Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. Consideration of a Resolution on District Elections for the Board of County <br />Commissioners for a November 2006 Referendum <br />The Board was to consider approval of a Resolution on district elections for the Board of <br />County Commissioners for a November 2006 referendum based on Board consideration of <br />district elections since January 2005 and provide any comments, questions, and any further <br />direction to staff. <br />DEFERRED <br />