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<br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked her and said that a lot of these concerns were similar to <br />the ones of the Rogers Road community. <br />Commissioner Carey said that when this issue was first brought to their attention, the <br />Health Department went over and beyond the call of duty to assist citizens with their concerns. <br />Rosemary Summers said staff is working with homeowners with residents that have <br />higher levels to see if there is a treatment process to improve the situation. <br />Chair Jacobs said that on behalf of the Board they appreciate how well the Health <br />Department worked with the community. <br />Barry Hicks commended the Health Department for what they did, but the homes in the <br />Mill Creek area are older homes. He said that they are still having problems and his water runs <br />orange after it rains and he has a filter. He said that they have bad water in this area. He said <br />that the Health Department looked at this as a health problem, but they have more problems <br />because of the tap water runoff. He said that they need to find out where the top water runoff is <br />coming from. He has surveyed people in his community and has found that everybody has to <br />have a filter system. He said that this is only the beginning of this problem. He said that the <br />quality of water there is totally unacceptable and not drinkable. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the next item on the agenda was to address some of these <br />issues. <br />b. Proposed Community Water Study Parameters <br />The Board considered parameters for future community water studies. <br />Rosemary Summers said that in their packet they have draft water study parameters. <br />She said that the approach they tried to use was, as the Health Department, they would put <br />public health first in terms of assessing any kind of disease factor or an environmental condition <br />that may cause a health concern. She made reference to page 3 of the abstract, Policy 1.2, <br />Wastewater and Well Water Studies, which outlines several bullet paints. She read the bullet <br />points. Their proposal is that communities need to meet the first bullet, which is "surveillance <br />data or other confirmed and documented medical or scientific reports that indicate potentially <br />environmentally caused or transmitted disease prevalence at abnormal levels in that <br />community." Communities would also need to meet three of the remaining bullets to be <br />considered for a community study. She feels that the Health Department could handle less than <br />or equal to $250 for any particular special study. Anything greater than that will depend on the <br />given budget year. Beyond $2,500 she would seek Board approval for the study. The cost <br />figures da not include County staff, which is the mast expensive part of the study costs. <br />Rosemary Summers made reference to pages 5-6, which is the Governor's Grove <br />subdivision study. They are not recommending a full suite of water samples, but only <br />bacteriological and inorganic water samples. This would give a snapshot of wells in the <br />perimeter. The second study methodology is for the community, which they are defining as 82 <br />homes. She said that they do not see any indication of high bacterial issues in that area, but <br />there is significant residue and other complaints in this neighborhood. They do not believe that <br />this is a health concern. <br />Commissioner Gordan suggested that the Board approve one of the studies for the <br />subdivision. With respect to the policy, she would like the Board of Health to clarify the reasons <br />for the retrospective and prospective parts of the policy. She wants to approve the study <br />immediately. <br />Commissioner Carey agreed that they need to mane ahead with methodology #1 for <br />Governor's Grove. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked when all of these water problems started and Rosemary <br />Summers said that they first heard about it when they were doing the Mill Creek Road study. <br />