Orange County NC Website
<br />together for a few months and then later in August officially appoint them as members after the <br />ad hoc committee meets. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Board needs to appoint this committee and it does <br />not say in the abstract how this will happen. She said that she would like to see some <br />applications. Craig Benedict said that they were fashioning this similar to the Eno Economic <br />District where there were a few community meetings and they asked for volunteers. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this is a plan and it requires some commitment. She <br />would like to see them hold the outreach meeting and then let people apply and the Board <br />appoint them. <br />Chair Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Gordon and said that if they can agree to <br />advertise tonight far positions, then they can appoint people on June 27t". The Board agreed. <br />cc. Change in BOCC Regular Meeting <br />The Board considered making one change in the County Commissioners regular <br />meeting calendar for the year 20Q6. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he received this information and realized that he had a <br />conflict on June 22"d at 5:3Q p.m. The Board decided not to proceed with this item. <br />dd. (was 10-b) Composite Countywide Plan for Parks and Trails <br />The Board received the Composite Countywide Plan for Parks and Trails from the <br />Intergovernmental Parks Work Group far possible future consideration and adoption as a <br />planning reference document. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to page 5 and asked if they had the most accurate data. <br />He does not think that 28 acres of parks for Hillsborough is accurate. <br />Dave Stancil said that the table on page 6 was written before the grant was approved for <br />Hillsborough. This does not reflect the significant activity that has taken place in the last couple <br />of months. <br />A motion was made by Chair Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordan to adapt the <br />Composite Countywide Plan for Parks and Trails from the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group <br />as a planning reference document, with a change to update the acreage. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Resolutions ar Proclamations-NONE <br />7. Special Presentations <br />a. Final Report Mill Creek Road Area Studies <br />The Board received information on the results of the cancer prevalence assessment and <br />water quality assessment in the Mill Creek Road area. <br />Rosemary Summers made a PowerPoint presentation. She thanked staff for their work <br />and Mr. and Mrs. Holloway far persistence in securing applications for the water testing. <br />All of the developed properties have wells. She showed the area on a map. The <br />selection of the study area was based on the initial cancer list provided by the Holloway's. <br />There were 133 households in the study. In order to maintain the independent results, the <br />study design included separate studies for cancer rate assessment and for water quality. <br />Because of the difficulty in true assessment of cancer rates by accessing confirmed diagnoses, <br />it was decided to request a cancer cluster study by the North Carolina Cancer Registry. The <br />Health Department survey would provide supplemental confirmation in a smaller area if potential <br />problems were identified by the cancer registry. The cancer assessment had two components - <br />a telephone survey conducted by Health Department staff and the study requested of the <br />cancer registry, which included the northwestern area of Orange County. The results of the <br />