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<br />Fairview community in Hillsborough and authorize the Manager in consultation with the County <br />Attorney to enter into a Development Agreement detailing the provisions of the award. <br />Commissioner Foushee asked Tara Fikes to make a correction in the abstract where it <br />refers to the Northern Fairview Community being located in Chapel Hill. This is located in <br />Hillsborough. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve awarding housing bond funds in the amount of $116,250 to Habitat for Humanity to <br />purchase land in the Highland Woods subdivision in the Northern Fairview community in <br />Hillsborough and authorize the Manager in consultation with the County Attorney to enter into a <br />Development Agreement detailing the provisions of the award. <br />Susan Levy from Habitat for Humanity said that the Town of Hillsborough came to <br />Habitat far Humanity and asked them to become involved in the Fairview community by <br />purchasing lots in the northern community. She said that for the very first time in her <br />experience, they are having a difficult time recruiting families to purchase these homes. She <br />thinks that it is because of the reputation of the Fairview community. She said that Habitat is <br />committed to being involved there and being a part of the solution. They had a meeting last <br />week, heavily attended by the Town of Hillsborough, but there was a request that there be <br />County representation. They are trying to put together a task force to focus attention on <br />Fairview. The property adjacent to and above the lots is County property and they would like to <br />get County representation, either by the County Commissioners or the staff. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the County Commissioners raised an issue about the property in <br />the middle that they thought might be a good recreational space for the neighborhood. Susan <br />Levy said that this was owned by the property owner that is selling Habitat the property. The <br />surveyor, who knaves the property owner personally, was going to approach him to see if he <br />could donate this. Habitat would prefer that it be donated to the Town of Hillsborough so that <br />the Town could maintain it. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />v. Property Tax Refund Request <br />The Board considered adoption of a resolution related to one (1) request for property tax <br />refund in accordance with N.C. General Statute 105-381. <br />Geof Gledhill said that this property was originally appraised as asingle-family stick built <br />house, and then it was discovered that the house was a doublewide and not a stick built house. <br />When the appraisal mistake was discovered, the value of the house was changed to reflect the <br />difference. Nancy Brooks is requesting a refund from the period of time from the day it was <br />originally appraised until the time that it was discovered that it was appraised incorrectly. Under <br />N. C. law, this refund cannot be granted because it does not fit one of the strict criteria that the <br />General Assembly has given the Board in order to refund taxes. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they discussed this at agenda review and they do not like this. <br />Nancy Brooks said that she purchased this home in 1997 and she found the mistake just <br />this year and she has been paying the taxes on a stick built home for nine years. She said that <br />this had to be a clerical error and she feels like she should be eligible for a refund. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the most common clerical error is a transposition or a mistake in <br />recording numbers in the database. It is not an error resulting from an appraiser <br />misunderstanding or misreading the property. In this instance, the appraiser made the <br />determination incorrectly that it was a stick built home. This mistake is not clerical. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked how this error happened. <br />Tax Assessor Jahn Smith said that prior to the 2005 revaluation, appraisers had mare <br />discretion on how to apply the schedule of values in dealing with a doublewide mobile hams. In <br />