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He said that in his presentation of the budget, he wanted to make sure that there <br />was enough money to address the Governor's recommendation on the increase of <br />salaries for teachers and certified staff. He also recommended $800,000 as a reserve <br />fund by which the Board could address either out of the per-pupil ideas (funding SRO's, <br />social workers, nurses} or any other issues. <br />-CHCCS Superintendent and Board of Education Presentation <br />CHCCS Board Chair Lisa Stuckey made some general comments. She said that <br />there has been a lot of media hype about the global economy and about U. S. high <br />schools recently. She made reference to the article she distributed about North Carolina <br />high school reform. She said that the economy is changing and North Carolina is losing <br />manufacturing, agricultural, and furniture industry jobs to foreign countries. Work for the <br />uneducated has also become so low-paying that it cannot provide a decent living. She <br />said that they must graduate every student with either sufficient skills to obtain a good <br />job, ar prepare far college; and they must graduate students who are ar will became truly <br />world class and able to pursue careers that will make the economy competitive. She <br />said that they could not afford to maintain the status quo, but they must move forward to <br />meet student needs and raise achievement. She said that the Manager's recommended <br />budget covers their match of the State proposed teacher pay raises and some of their <br />cast increases, but it does not provide sufficient funds for them to stay even. It does not <br />provide funds for growth to implement the new high school schedule or to open Carrboro <br />High School. They believe that the community supports the efforts to move forward and <br />the budget request outlines the needs. She pointed out that traditionally the special <br />district tax has been used to support the opening costs of new schools. <br />She said that their board voted to support funding outside of the per pupil <br />allocation for health and safety, so they are pleased with the Manager's recommendation <br />and the Fair Funding Work Group recommendation. She encouraged the Board to move <br />forward with this initiative. <br />Superintendent Neil Pedersen made a PowerPoint presentation. He said that the <br />community has high expectations of the schools. He said that, as they look at the <br />district's performance there are some indicators of which they can be proud and others <br />that confirm that they have much work to do. They have made significant strides with <br />African American students in reading and math at the elementary school level. The high <br />school level results are more mixed. Recently, the stakes have increased on the EOG <br />tests and students must pass the four exams in order to graduate from high school, <br />starting with next year's freshman class. <br />CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO CITY SCHOOLS <br />Board of Education's 2006-2007 Budget Request <br />To the Orange County Commissioners <br />June 8, 2006 <br />Student Progress Report <br />Reading EOG Percent Proficient (chart) <br />Math EOG Percent Proficient (chart} <br />English I EOC (chart) <br />Biology EOC (chart} <br />Other Highlights <br />- 176 National Board Certified Teachers representing 20°~ of the district teachers <br />- 1185 average SAT score for 2005-06 <br />