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8 <br /> equipment, call classification, location of a caller, and determination of <br /> the appropriate response level for emergency responders. <br /> Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS). —Defined in 47 C.F.R. § <br /> 20.3. <br /> Q CMRS connection. — Each mobile handset telephone number assi ned <br /> to a CMRS subscriber with a place of primary use in North Carolina. <br /> CMRS provider. — An entity, whether facilities-based or <br /> nonfacilities-based, that is licensed by the Federal Communications <br /> Commission to provide CMRS or that resells CMRS within North <br /> Carolina. <br /> 09 Enhanced 911 service. — Directing a 911 call to an appropriate PSAP <br /> by selective routing based on the geographical location from which the <br /> call originated and providing information defining the he approximate <br /> eographic location and the telephone number of a 911 caller, in <br /> accordance with the FCC Order. <br /> 10 Exchange access facility. —The access from a subscriber's premises to <br /> the telephone system of a service supplier. The term includes service <br /> sup 1p ier provided access lines, private branch exchange trunks and <br /> centrex network access registers, as defined by applicable tariffs <br /> approved by the North Carolina Utilities Commission. The term does <br /> not include service supplier owned and operated telephone ay station <br /> lines, Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS) Foreign <br /> Exchange (FX), or incoming only lines. <br /> 11 FCC Order.—The Order of the Federal Communications Commission <br /> FCC Docket No. 94-102, adopted on December 1, 1997 and any <br /> consent decrees, rules, and regulations adopted by the Federal <br /> Communications Commission pursuant to the Order. <br /> 12 GIS mapping. — Computerized geographical information that can be <br /> used to assist in locating a person who calls emergency assistance <br /> including street centerlines, ortho photography and oblique imaging_ <br /> 13 Interconnected VoIP service.—Defined in 47 C.F.R. § 9.3. <br /> 1144,) Local exchange carrier. — An entity that is authorized to provide <br /> telephone exchange service or exchange access in North Carolina <br /> 15 Prepaid wireless telephone service. — A right that meets all of the <br /> following requirements: <br /> a. Authorizes the purchase of CMRS, either exclusively or in <br /> conjunction with other services. <br /> b. Must be paid for in advance. <br /> C. Is sold in units or dollars whose number or dollar value declines <br /> with use and is known on a continuous basis. <br /> Primary PSAP. —The first point of reception of a 911 call by a public <br /> safety answering point. <br /> 17 Proprietary information. — Subscriber lists technology descriptions, <br /> technical information, or trade secrets that are developed produced or <br /> received internally by a voice communications service provider or by a <br /> voice communications service provider's employees directors <br /> officers, or agents. <br /> 18 Public safety answering point (PSAP). — The public safety agency that <br /> receives an incoming 911 call and dispatches appro riate public safety <br /> agencies to respond to the call. <br /> 19 Service supplier. —An entity that provides exchange telephone service <br /> to a telephone subscriber. <br /> 20 Subscriber. —A person who purchases a voice communications service <br /> and is able to receive it or use it periodically over time <br /> Page 2 Session Law 2007-383 SL2007-0383 <br />