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10 <br /> Term. —A member's term is four years. Members remain in office until their <br /> successors are appointed and qualified. Vacancies are filled in the same manner as the <br /> original appointment. The Governor may remove any member for misfeasance, <br /> malfeasance, or nonfeasance in accordance with G.S. 143B-13(d). <br /> O Meetings. — Members of the 911 Board serve without compensation. <br /> Members receive per diem, subsistence, and travel allowances at the rate established in <br /> G.S. 138-5. A quorum of the 911 Board is nine members. The 911 Board meets upon <br /> the call of the chair. <br /> Public Servants. — The members of the 911 Board are public servants under <br /> G.S. 138A-3 and are subject to the provisions of Chapter 138A of the General Statutes. <br /> "& 62A-42. Powers and duties of the 911 Board. <br /> La) Duties. —The 911 Board has the following powers and duties: <br /> To develop the 911 State Plan. In developing and updating the plan, <br /> the 911 Board must monitor trends in voice communications service <br /> technology and in enhanced 911 service technology, investigate and <br /> incorporate GIS mapping and other resources into the plan, and <br /> formulate strategies for the efficient and effective delivery of enhanced <br /> 911 service. <br /> To administer the 911 Fund and the monthly 911 service charge <br /> authorized by G.S. 62A-43. <br /> To distribute revenue in the 911 Fund to CMRS providers and PSAPs <br /> in accordance with this Article and advise CMRS providers and <br /> PSAPs of the requirements for receiving a distribution from the 911 <br /> Fund. <br /> To establish policies and procedures to fund advisory services and <br /> training for PSAPs and to provide funds in accordance with these <br /> policies and procedures. <br /> To investigate the revenues and expenditures associated with the <br /> operation of a PSAP to ensure compliance with restrictions on the use <br /> of amounts distributed from the 911 Fund. <br /> To make and enter into contracts and agreements necessary or <br /> incidental to the erformance of its powers and duties under this <br /> Article and to use revenue available to the 911 Board under <br /> G.S. 62A-44 for administrative expenses to pay its obligations under <br /> the contracts and agreements. <br /> To accept ig fts, grants, or other money for the 911 Fund. <br /> To undertake its duties in a manner that is competitively and <br /> technologically neutral as to all voice communications service <br /> providers. <br /> 0 To adopt rules to implement this Article. This authority does not <br /> include the regulation of any enhanced 911 service such as the <br /> establishment of technical standards. <br /> 10 To take other necessary and proper action to implement the provisions <br /> of this Article. <br /> Prohibition. —In no event shall the 911 Board or any other State agency lease <br /> construct, operate or own a communications network for the purpose of providing 911 <br /> service. <br /> 62A-43. Service charge for 911 service. <br /> (a) Charge Imposed. — A monthly 911 service charge is imposed on each active <br /> voice communications service connection that is capable of accessing the 911 system <br /> The service charge is seventy cents 700 or a lower amount set by the 911 Board under <br /> subsection (d) of this section. The service charge_is payable by the subscriber to the <br /> voice communications service provider. The provider may list the service charge <br /> separately from other charges on the bill. Partial payments made by a subscriber are <br /> Page 4 Session Law 2007-383 SL2007-0383 <br />